Few words in the video games industry are as cynical as "whale," taken from a Las Vegas term for a high stakes gambler. The difference is, a Vegas high roller may actually win something with his money, and at minimum is comped for everything during his stay. In free-to-play games, a whale is nothing but a cash target.Aug 25, 2013
As of 1 June 2011, the Faroese Food and Veterinary Authority has advised Faroe Islanders not to eat the kidney or liver of pilot whales, not to consume more than one serving per month, and, for women and girls, to refrain from eating blubber if they plan to have children and to refrain from whale meat entirely if they ...
This means it is not actually illegal for Iceland to continue whaling, so long as it abides by certain rules. Iceland hunts two species: minke whales and fin whales. ... Second, Icelanders do not even tend to eat whale meat: it is the tourists that do that.Dec 3, 2015
Aside from sharks, the only other creature that ever eats a whale is the orca, or killer whale, which is the largest member of the dolphin family and not really a whale at all. Packs of orcas sometimes chase large whales until they are exhausted, and then begin to eat them. ... Killer whales eat fish and sea mammals.Mar 30, 2010