In particle physics, an elementary particle or fundamental particle is a particle not known to have any substructure, thus it is not known to be made up of smaller particles. ... The elementary fermions (matter particles with half integer spin) are: Quarks: up, down, charm, strange, top, bottom.Jun 17, 2013
While goats will not actually eat inedible material, they are browsing animals, not grazers like cattle and sheep, and (coupled with their highly curious nature) will chew on and taste just about anything remotely resembling plant matter to decide whether it is good to eat, including cardboard, clothing and paper (such ...
Why we have nightmares, and what they mean. Psychologists usually define a nightmare as 'a terrifying dream'. ... Likewise rarebit (cheese) or spicy foods may wake you up more to remember all sorts of dreams but are not specific to nightmares. So nightmares are a result of anxiety or a vivid dream-life - or often both.Sep 8, 2015