The more serious crime of aggravated assault is treated as a felony.
Beyond the aesthetic pleasure from such varieties, goldfish have also offered practical value in control of mosquitoes.
Simple assaults that do not involve any aggravation, such as use of a deadly weapon, are distinguished from aggravated assaults, with correspondingly lesser penalties.
Aggression and Aid Korea (????), but is today commonly called the "Korean War" (????, Chaoxian Zhanzheng).
The perpetrator must be able to perform the violent action immediately, otherwise they are guilty of menace or blackmail, rather than assault.
Sentences for aggravated assault are generally more severe, reflecting the greater degree of harm or malice intended by the perpetrator.
Latin for "guilty act," in assault, this occurs when one person causes another to fear that force is about to be used to cause some degree of personal contact and possible injury.
Aggravated assault involves four elements: (1) The apparent, present ability to carry out (2) an unlawful attempt (3) to commit a violent injury (4) upon another.