When bacon is cooked, its fat naturally melts, releasing a highly flavorful grease.
An individual slice of bacon is known as a "rasher" (United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand) or simply a "slice" or "strip" (North America).
Slices of bacon are also known as "collops," a term derived from the French escalope.
Bacon bits are chopped pieces of pre-cooked bacon intended to be sprinkled over foods, particularly salads.
Bacon, like ham, which also derives from the pig, has been a common and popular meat dish throughout European and Asian civilizations, except where forbidden by religious prohibitions.
Bacon is any of certain cuts of meat taken from the sides, belly, or back of a pig that may be cured and/or smoked.
Streaky bacon is more commonly used as a topping in the U.S., on items such as pizza, salads, sandwiches, hamburgers, baked potatoes, hot dogs, and soups.
Bacon grease is traditionally saved in southern U.S. cuisine and used as an all-purpose flavoring for a very large variety of foods.
What the U.S. terms Canadian bacon is actually back bacon rolled in cornmeal.
Commonly served as an evening meal, it consists of thin slices of pork belly meat (similar to uncured bacon), served with the meat flavored with garlic, salt, and sesame oil and cooked on a grill.
In Britain, bacon made from the meat on the back of the pig is referred to as "back bacon" or "back rashers" and usually includes a streaky bit and a lean ovoid piece.
Imitation "bacon bits" made of texturized vegetable protein flavored to resemble authentic bacon bits are also popular.
The word bacon is derived from the Old High German word bacho, meaning "back," "ham," or "bacon."
Back bacon is used less frequently in the United States, but can sometimes be found on pizza, salads, and omelets.
Bacon is an example of human ingenuity in developing food that is not only convenient and provides nourishment to the body, but also brings happiness to the mind and spirit.
Bacon may be eaten fried, baked, or grilled, or used as a minor ingredient to flavor dishes.
Bacon grease, also known as bacon drippings, is the grease created by cooking bacon.
Bacon continues to be home cured in some rural communities, but the bulk of its manufacture is carried on in large industrial meatpacking plants that slaughter, dress, cure, smoke, and package on a large scale.
Guanciale is another kind of unsmoked Italian bacon prepared from pig's jowl or cheeks.
Bacon made from the meat of other animals may, however, be eaten by adherents to these faith traditions.
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) defines bacon as "the cured belly of a swine carcass," while other cuts and characteristics must be separately qualified (such as "smoked pork loin bacon").
Bacon is an essential item in a full British breakfast, which comprises at its heart bacon and eggs, and is popular throughout the British Isles and other parts of the English-speaking world.
Bacon is often used for barding and larding roasts, especially game birds.
Beyond bacon's low nutritional value, its high fat content is a health concern.
Despite having high fat content and relatively low protein count, the delicious, unique flavor of bacon ensures its place as an attractive and popular food.
The popular "BLT" is a variety of sandwich containing Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato.
Many people prefer to have bacon smoked using various types of woods or turf.
Meat from other animals, such as beef, lamb, chicken, goat, or turkey, may also be cut, cured, or otherwise prepared to resemble bacon.
Tarte flambйe is an Alsatian dish composed of thin bread dough rolled out in a circle or a rectangle, which is covered by crиme fraоche, onions, and bacon.
The sandy desert surrounding Dubai City supports wild grasses and occasional date palm trees.
In Canada, this is called peameal bacon, whereas bacon is used generally to refer to strip bacon, which is more common to the Canadian diet.
Despite the health consequences of excessive bacon grease consumption, it still remains quite popular in the cuisine of the American South.
Bacon is enjoyed for its smoky flavor and is a favorite with eggs, particularly as part of breakfast.