A book is a set or collection of written, printed, illustrated, or blank sheets, made of paper, parchment, or other material, usually fastened together to hinge at one side, and within protective covers.
The books were divided into unbound leaves (pecia), which were lent out to different copyists, so the speed of book production was considerably increased.
Early printed books, single sheets and images which were created before the year 1501 in Europe are known as incunabula.
Private or personal libraries made up of non-fiction and fiction books, (as opposed to the state or institutional records kept in archives) first appeared in classical Greece.
During the twentieth century, librarians were concerned about keeping track of the many books being added yearly to the Gutenberg Galaxy.
Such books can be categorized as fiction (made-up stories) or non-fiction (information written as true).
Books to be partly filled in by the user include a personal address book, phone book, or calendar book for recording appointments, etc.
There have also been new developments in the process of publishing books.
The term 'book' may also refer to a literary work, or a main division of such a work.
XLVIII), which set aside certain times for reading, greatly influenced the monastic culture of the Middle Ages, and is one of the reasons why the clergy were the predominant readers of books.
Through a global society called the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), they devised a series of tools including the International Standard Book Description or ISBD.
The EAN Barcodes numbers for books are derived from the ISBN by prefixing 978, for Bookland, and calculating a new check digit.
Bookmarks in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries were narrow silk ribbons bound into the book and become widespread in the 1850s.
The first written mention of the codex as a form of book is from Martial, in his Apophoreta CLXXXIV at the end of the century, where he praises its compactness.
An encyclopedia is a book or set of books with articles on many topics.
Each book is specified by an International Standard Book Number, or ISBN, which is unique to every edition of every book produced by participating publishers, world wide.
Pre-printed school books for students to study are commonly called textbooks.
Elementary school pupils often use workbooks which are published with spaces or blanks to be filled by them for study or homework.
Paperback books often included works from genres that had previously been published mostly in pulp magazines.
Scientists and other researchers use lab notebooks to record their work.
Books printed between 1850 and 1950 are at risk; more recent books are often printed on acid-free or alkaline paper.
The beginning of modern public library begins around 15th century when individuals started to donate books to towns.
Creating an entire book was a painstaking process, requiring a hand-carved block for each page; and the wood blocks tended to crack, if stored for long.
The proper care of books takes into account the possibility of physical and chemical damage to the cover and text.
The term e-book (electronic book) in the broad sense is an amount of information like a conventional book, but in digital form.
Books (known as block-books), as well as playing-cards and religious pictures, began to be produced by this method.
A more specific reference book with tables or lists of data and information about a certain topic, often intended for professional use, is often called a handbook.
Finally the meadow will be colonized by riverine trees, typically aspens, willows, and such species that are favored by the beaver.
A lover of books is usually referred to as a bibliophile, a bibliophilist, or a philobiblist, or, more informally, a bookworm.
One of the earliest and most widely known systems of cataloguing books is the Dewey Decimal System.
Codes called "call numbers" relate the books to the catalogue, and determine their locations on the shelves.
A very general reference book, usually one-volume, with lists of data and information on many topics is called an almanac.
Bookmarks were used throughout the medieval period, consisting usually of a small parchment strip attached to the edge of folio (or a piece of cord attached to headband).
Books which try to list references and abstracts in a certain broad area may be called an index, such as Engineering Index, or abstracts such as Chemical Abstracts, Biological Abstracts, etc.
The size of a modern book is based on the printing area of a common flatbed press.
A single sheet within a book is called a leaf, and each side of a sheet is called a page.
Businesses use accounting books such as journals and ledgers to record financial data in a practice called bookkeeping.
The call number is placed on the spine of the book, normally a short distance before the bottom, and inside.
Before the invention and adoption of the printing press, almost all books were copied by hand, making books expensive and comparatively rare.
The tradition and style of the Roman Empire still dominated, but slowly the peculiar medieval book culture emerged.
A similar book for writing daily the owner's private personal events and information is called a diary.
The book covers were made of wood and covered with leather.
The custom of binding several wax tablets together (Roman pugillares) is a possible precursor for modern books (i.e.
Books play a major role in the preservation of culture and tradition and the concept of printed words as scripture occupies a central role in various faith traditions.
Albums are books for holding collections of memorabilia, pictures or photographs.
Books are best stored out of direct sunlight, in reduced lighting, at cool temperatures, and at moderate humidity.
Smaller monasteries usually had only some dozen books, medium sized perhaps a couple hundred.
Books with technical information on how to do something or how to use some equipment are called manuals.
Books for recording periodic entries by the user, such as daily information about a journey, are called logbooks or simply logs.
The Greek word for papyrus as writing material (biblion) and book (biblos) come from the Phoenician port town Byblos, through which papyrus was exported to Greece.
The advent of paperback books in the 20th century led to an explosion of popular publishing.
Many novelists began to write books and pamphlets condemning polygamy, portraying it as a legalized form of slavery.
The oldest dated book printed by this method is The Diamond Sutra (868 C.E.
Publishing is a process for producing books, magazines, newspapers, etc.
When rows of books are lined on a bookshelf, bookends are sometimes needed to keep them from slanting.
Commercial publishers in industrialized countries generally assign ISBNs to their books, so buyers may presume that the ISBN is part of a total international system, with no exceptions.
During the later Middle Ages, when public libraries appeared, books were often chained to a bookshelf or a desk to prevent theft.
Born a slave in Maryland, Harriet Tubman knew first-hand what it meant to be someone's property; she was whipped by owners and almost killed by an overseer. It was from other field hands that she first heard about the Underground Railroad which she travelled by herself north to Philadelphia.
Seuss published 44 children's best sellers before he died, selling more than 650 million books throughout the years. “Oh, the Places You'll Go!” was the last book in 1990 to be published with classics such as “The Cat in the Hat,” “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” and “Green Eggs and Ham” in between.Jul 23, 2015
The Tripitaka (Pali Canon), Mahayana Sutras and the Tibetan Book of the Dead are three major noncanonical Buddhist texts. The Pali Canon, which means “the word of Buddha,” includes some of the Buddha's discourse, but it also incorporates the teachings of his pupils.
StephenKing.com - The Shining. Synopsis: Jack Torrance, his wife Wendy, and their young son Danny move into the Overlook Hotel, where Jack has been hired as the winter caretaker. Cut off from civilization for months, Jack hopes to battle alcoholism and uncontrolled rage while writing a play.
The time setting of I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings is in the 1930s and 1940s, before the civil rights movement, but in the midst of the Great Depression and World War II. Stamps, Arkansas is a segregated Southern town in which Maya is raised by her grandmother. ... It does not feel like home to Maya.
Believe it or not, Maya Angelou is one of the most banned authors in the United States. Her autobiography, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, has constantly been one of the most challenged books in the country since its release in 1969.
Book of the Marvels of the World (French: Livre des Merveilles du Monde) or Description of the World (Devisement du Monde), in Italian Il Milione (The Million) or Oriente Poliano and in English commonly called The Travels of Marco Polo, is a 13th-century travelogue written down by Rustichello da Pisa from stories told ...
The film is based on the 1986 novel by Winston Groom. Both center on the character of Forrest Gump. However, the film primarily focuses on the first eleven chapters of the novel, before skipping ahead to the end of the novel with the founding of Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. and the meeting with Forrest, Jr.
Darwin published his theory of evolution with compelling evidence in his 1859 book On the Origin of Species, overcoming scientific rejection of earlier concepts of transmutation of species.
Is Star Wars Based on a Book? No. ... When the book was released (with George Lucas' name, but ghost-written by Alan Dean Foster), the film was already in production. Each subsequent film in the series has had a novelization released before the film, but was based entirely on the script of the film.Feb 25, 2006
At the 1936 Berlin Summer Olympics, track and field star Jesse Owens ran himself straight into international glory by winning four gold medals. But the life of Jesse Owens is much more than a sports story.