Cambridge University is also closely linked with the development of high-tech business clusters in and around the Cambridge area.
Cambridge University includes research departments and teaching faculties in most academic disciplines.
Cambridge University is governed entirely by internal members, with no outside representation in its governing bodies.
From the time of Sir Isaac Newton in the late seventeenth century, until the middle of the nineteenth century, Cambridge University maintained a strong emphasis in the field of mathematics.
The proctors of Cambridge University are formally responsible for the discipline of junior members of the university.
Cambridge University is comprised of a number of institutions, with its main functions divided between the central departments of the university and the university colleges.
Harvard’s first president, Henry Dunster, first benefactor John Harvard, and first schoolmaster Nathaniel Eaton, were all Cambridge University alumni, as was the first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, John Winthrop.
The University of Cambridge (or Cambridge University), is located in Cambridge, England, and is the second-oldest university in the English-speaking world.
Affiliates of Cambridge University have been awarded a total of eighty-one Nobel Prizes , the most of any university in the world .
Historically, Cambridge University has produced a significant portion of Britain’s most prominent mathematicians, scientists, and writers.
Expansion of Cambridge University academic and extracurricular facilities is ongoing.