Chavez's successor, UFW President Arturo Rodriguez, stated, "Every day in California and in other states where farm workers are organizing, Cesar Chavez lives in their hearts.
The body of Cesar Chavez was taken to La Paz, the UFW's California headquarters, where he was laid to rest near a bed of roses in front of his office.
In April 1993 Cesar Chavez was in Yuma, Arizona helping to defend the United Farm Workers in a lawsuit brought against them by a California based–vegetable producer.
Many people supported César because he believed in nonviolence. Like César, they also believed that farm workers deserved better treatment, respect, dignity, justice, and fairness.
The 31 years Cesar Chavez led the United Farm Workers of America saw its share of defeats, but also historic victories. Under Cesar, the UFW achieved unprecedented gains for farm workers. Among them were: The first genuine collective bargaining agreements between farm workers and growers in American history.