Facts about Civil War

The Civil War, also known as “The War Between the States,” was fought between the United States of America and the Confederate States of America, a collection of eleven southern states that left the Union in 1860 and 1861 and formed their own country in order to protect the institution of slavery.

While many still debate the ultimate causes of the Civil War, Pulitzer Prize-winning author James McPherson writes that, "The Civil War started because of uncompromising differences between the free and slave states over the power of the national government to prohibit slavery in the territories that had not yet become ...

The civil war was fought between the Union states (Northern states) and the states of the Confederacy (Southern states). There were many causes of the civil war, including differences between northern and southern states on the idea of slavery, as well as trade, tariffs, and states rights.

Below we will discuss some of these differences and how they created a divide between the North and the South that eventually caused the Civil War.Industry vs. Farming. ... States' Rights. The idea of states' rights was not new to the Civil War. ... Expansion. ... Slavery. ... Bleeding Kansas. ... Abraham Lincoln. ... Secession. ... Activities.

By April 1861, slavery had become inextricably entwined with state rights, the power of the federal government over the states, the South's 'way of life' etc. – all of which made a major contribution to the causes of the American Civil War.

The burning issue that led to the disruption of the union was the debate over the future of slavery. ... The agrarian South utilized slaves to tend its large plantations and perform other duties. On the eve of the Civil War, some 4 million Africans and their descendants toiled as slave laborers in the South.

The causes of the Civil War and its cost to a young nation. More from Wes about the causes of the Civil War. ... A common explanation is that the Civil War was fought over the moral issue of slavery. In fact, it was the economics of slavery and political control of that system that was central to the conflict.

Secession summary: the secession of Southern States led to the establishment of the Confederacy and ultimately the Civil War. It was the most serious secession movement in the United States and was defeated when the Union armies defeated the Confederate armies in the Civil War, 1861-65.

In the South, most slaves did not hear of the proclamation for months. But the purpose of the Civil War had now changed. The North was not only fighting to preserve the Union, it was fighting to end slavery.

July 17 1863-With talk of Cooper attack, Blunt decided to attack Cooper's troops at Honey Springs. Cooper's forces retreated and set fire on their storage buildings. UNION WIN. Largest, bloodiest, and most decisive Civil War battle in the Indian Territory.

The British soldiers were often called the "Red Coats" because of their bright red coats. Although they are most famous for their red uniforms, they sometimes wore blue uniforms during the Revolutionary War. The British had very specific uniforms.

Many were from state militia outfits, which had their own state-issued uniforms. In the early battles, some Confederate units that wore dark blue uniforms were often mistaken on the field of battle for the enemy. Conversely, many U.S. units that were originally militia units went to war wearing gray.

Uniforms and clothing worn by Union and Confederate Soldiers During the Civil War. The two sides are often referred to by the color of their official uniforms, blue for the Union, gray for the Confederates.

The Syrian civil war, also known as the Syrian uprising or Syrian crisis (Arabic: الأزمة السورية), is an ongoing armed conflict in Syria. It is a conflict between forces of the Ba'ath government and forces who want to remove this government. ... Protesters in Syria demanded the resignation of President Bashar al-Assad.

First Battle of Bull Run

Civil War Trust's map of the Battle of First Manassas. This was the first major land battle of the armies in Virginia. On July 16, 1861, the untried Union army under Brig. Gen. Irvin McDowell marched from Washington against the equally green Confederate army, which was arrayed behind Bull Run beyond Centreville.

The burning issue that led to the disruption of the union was the debate over the future of slavery. ... The agrarian South utilized slaves to tend its large plantations and perform other duties. On the eve of the Civil War, some 4 million Africans and their descendants toiled as slave laborers in the South.

While many still debate the ultimate causes of the Civil War, Pulitzer Prize-winning author James McPherson writes that, "The Civil War started because of uncompromising differences between the free and slave states over the power of the national government to prohibit slavery in the territories that had not yet become ...

The civil war officially began on April 12, 1861 when Confederate forces bombarded the Union controlled Fort Sumter in Charleston Bay. ... There were many causes of the civil war, including differences between northern and southern states on the idea of slavery, as well as trade, tariffs, and states rights.

Dysentery was the most common fatal disease, according to the Civil War Preservation Trust. Soldiers also died from typhoid fever, a bacterial disease transmitted by lice, as well as malaria, pneumonia, smallpox and yellow fever.

Video: Battle of Chancellorsville: Facts, Summary & Significance. The Battle of Chancellorsville was fought in early May 1863. This lesson examines this major Confederate victory, looking at how, with roughly 30,000 combined casualties, it was one of the bloodiest battles of the American Civil War.

Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States of America, the leader who successfully prosecuted the Civil War to preserve the nation. He played in key role in passage of the Thirteenth Amendment, which ended slavery in America.

The civil war officially began on April 12, 1861 when Confederate forces bombarded the Union controlled Fort Sumter in Charleston Bay. ... There were many causes of the civil war, including differences between northern and southern states on the idea of slavery, as well as trade, tariffs, and states rights.

The Union victory in the Civil War in 1865 may have given some 4 million slaves their freedom, but the process of rebuilding the South during the Reconstruction period (1865-1877) introduced a new set of significant challenges.

With the defeat of the Southern Confederacy and the subsequent passage of the XIII, XIV, and XV amendments to the Constitution, the Civil War's lasting effects include abolishing the institution of slavery in America and firmly redefining the United States as a single, indivisible nation rather than a loosely bound ...

This week marks the 150th anniversary of the end of the American Civil War, which concluded when Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant on April 9th, 1865. The war between the States of the Union and the States of the Confederacy helped mould the identity and political language of the modern US.Apr 8, 2015

Jefferson Davis (1808-1889) was a Mexican War hero, U.S. senator from Mississippi, U.S. secretary of war and president of the Confederate States of America for the duration of the American Civil War (1861-1865). ... In February 1861 he was elected president of the Confederacy.

The Civil War was America's bloodiest conflict. The unprecedented violence of battles such as Shiloh, Antietam, Stones River, and Gettysburg shocked citizens and international observers alike. Nearly as many men died in captivity during the Civil War as were killed in the whole of the Vietnam War.