The highest court of Connecticut's judicial branch is the Supreme Court, headed by the Chief Justice.
Connecticut has the most million-dollar homes in the Northeast, and the second most in the nation after California, with 3.3 percent of homes in Connecticut priced over one million dollars in 2003.
Before Weicker, the last Republican to represent Connecticut in the Senate was Prescott Bush, the father of former President George H. W. Bush and the grandfather of President George W. Bush.
Hartford, on the other hand, is the poorest city in Connecticut, with a per capita income of $13,428.
In 1662, Winthrop took advantage of this void in political affairs and obtained in England the charter by which the colonies of Connecticut and Quinnipiack were united.
The southern slope of Mount Frissell is located within Connecticut and the highest elevation within the state is 2,379 ft (725 m).
On the other hand, Connecticut's original Charter granted it all the land to the "South Sea," i.e., the Pacific Ocean.
Homes in southwestern Connecticut on the fringes of the New York City metropolitan area are relatively expensive.
Connecticut politics were tarnished by corruption in the late 1990s and early years of the twenty-first century.
Areas of inner-city blight and abandoned housing exists in the Connecticut’s larger cities, though urban redevelopment programs have made progress.
Connecticut's was one of the thirteen original colonies and in 1788 became the fifth state to join the fledgling United States.
The Western Reserve section was settled largely by people from Connecticut.
New Canaan is the wealthiest town in Connecticut, with a per capita income of $85,459.
Connecticut shares a local form of government with the rest of New England called the New England town.
Connecticut's lands also extended across northern Ohio, called the Western Reserve lands.
Connecticut is the 29th most populous state with 3.4 million residents and is ranked 48th in size by area.
The first European in Connecticut was the Dutch explorer Adriaen Block, who arrived in 1614.
After the Fundamental Orders, Connecticut was granted governmental authority by King Charles II of England through the Connecticut Charter of 1662.
Connecticut allotted its electoral votes exclusively to Democratic candidates since the 1990s, but to Republican presidential candidates five times in the 1970s and 1980s.
The southwestern border of Connecticut, where it abuts New York, is marked by a panhandle in Fairfield County.
Connecticut's temperate climate and long coastline on Long Island Sound have given the state a deep maritime tradition.
John Winthrop, then of Massachusetts, gained permission to create a new colony at Old Saybrook at the mouth of the Connecticut River in 1635.
Connecticut has 169 towns, which serve as the fundamental local political subdivision of the state; the entire state is divided into towns.
Most of western and southern Connecticut is strongly associated with New York City; this area is the most affluent and populous region of the state.
The institutions of higher learning include Yale University, the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, the University of Connecticut, and the University of Bridgeport.
A portion of rural northeastern Connecticut is somewhat culturally influenced by Boston.
Despite its size, the state has regional variations in its landscape and culture, from the wealthy estates of Fairfield County's "Gold Coast" to the rolling mountains and horse farms of northwestern Connecticut.
Based on the 2005 estimates, Connecticut moves from the 29th most populous state to 30th.
Dutch fur traders sailed up the Connecticut River and built a fort near present-day Hartford.
According to a 1650 agreement with the Dutch, the western boundary of Connecticut ran north from the west side of Greenwich Bay "provided the said line come not within 10 miles of Hudson River."
Bear Mountain, located 1.3 miles (2.1 km) to the east, is the highest mountain summit in Connecticut.
The Connecticut River cuts through the center of the state, flowing into Long Island Sound, Connecticut's outlet to the Atlantic Ocean.
Lowell P. Weicker, Jr., who served in the U.S. Senate from 1971 to 1989, was the last Connecticut Republican to serve as senator.
In 2007, the median price for a house in Connecticut passed $300,000 for the first time, even though most of the country was mired in a real estate slump.
Forests cover about 60 percent of Connecticut, made up of elm, ash, maple, beech, birch, and oak trees.
Connecticut Audubon Society’s Coastal Center at Milford Point is a birdwatchers' paradise, where 315 bird species can be found.
At the same time, Connecticut had five representatives in the U.S. House, four of whom were Democrats.
Before and after the American Civil War, immigrants from other countries flooded into Connecticut to work in the new mills and factories that were producing textiles and guns, and later, electrical products and machines.
Connecticut took its grant seriously, and established a county between the Susquehanna and Delaware Rivers.
Connecticut was the first state in the United States to elect a woman as governor without electing her husband first, Ella Grasso in 1974.
The name "Connecticut" originates from the Mohegan word quinnitukqut, meaning "place of long tidal river."
Connecticut has large Italian-American and Irish-American populations, as well as German and Portuguese-American, second highest percentage of any state behind Rhode Island (19.3 percent).
Connecticut has a humid continental climate, with seasonal extremes tempered by its proximity to the Atlantic Ocean.
The Fundamental Orders and the Connecticut Charter could both be altered simply by a majority vote of the General Assembly.
Connecticut is known as the “Constitution State.” The nickname is assumed to reference the Fundamental Orders of 1638–1639, which represent the framework for the first formal government written by a representative body in Connecticut.
Connecticut is one of the country's top producers of oysters, but lobster, flounder, shad, and other fish are also caught.
Interesting Connecticut FactsGarnet is Connecticut's state mineral.Eubrontes is the state fossil, visit Dinosaur State Park in Rocky Hill to learn more.The highest peak in Connecticut is Bear Mountain.The highest elevation in Connecticut is the slope of Mount Frissel at 2380' (the peak, 2,453' is in MA).More items...
Connecticut's official nickname is the “Constitution State”. ... As early as the 19th Century, John Fiske, a popular historian from Connecticut made the claim that the Fundamental Orders of 1638/1639 were the first written constitution in history. Some contemporary historians dispute Fiske's analysis.
Leaders. Governor John Haynes of the Massachusetts Bay Colony led 100 people to present-day Hartford in 1636. He and Thomas Hooker, a prominent Puritan minister, are often considered the founders of the Connecticut colony.
History of Connecticut. The U.S. state of Connecticut began as three distinct settlements of Puritans from Massachusetts and England;they combined under a single royal charter in 1663. ... The word "Connecticut" is a French corruption of the Native American word quinetucket, which means "beside the long, tidal river".
The state is named for the Connecticut River, a major U.S. river that approximately bisects the state. The word "Connecticut" is derived from various anglicized spellings of an Algonquian word for "long tidal river".
Connecticut definition. State in the northeastern United States; southernmost of the New England states, bordered by Massachusetts to the north, Rhode Island to the east, the Atlantic Ocean to the south, and New York to the west. Its capital is Hartford, and its largest city is Bridgeport.
Connecticut -From Mohican and other Algonquin words meaning "long river place." Delaware -Named for Lord De La Warr, early governor of Virginia; first applied to river, then to Indian tribe (Lenni-Lenape), and the state. Hawaii -Possibly derived from native word for homeland, Hawaiki or Owhyhee.
Tribes and Bands of ConnecticutMahican, Mohegan, Narraganset, Niantic, Nipmuc, Pequot, Schaghticoke, Wappinger.Golden Hill Paugussett Tribe -- The Connecticut State Library has some records for this tribe, 1836-1995. ... Mashantucket Pequot, or Western Pequot -- This tribe has been federally recognized since 1983.More items...
There were originally many small American Indian tribes in the Connecticut area, including the Mohegan, Pequot, Niantic, Nipmuc, Mattabesic, Schaghticoke, Paugussett, and others.
The colony of Connecticut was originally established by the Dutch in the early 1630s. Thomas Hooker, a puritan minister, arrived in the colony in 1636 and delivered a powerful sermon. Hooker is responsible for founding Hartford, CT. Eventually, the English drove the Dutch out and gained control of CT.
White Clam Pizza. Few other pizzas are as revered as Frank Pepe Pizzeria Napoletana's white clam pizza. ... Steamed Cheeseburger. Family-owned lunch counter Ted's Restaurant is home to one of Central Connecticut's specialties, the steamed burger. ... Pumpkin Pie. ... Carpetbaggers. ... Mac and Cheese. ... Cupcakes. ... Cali Burrito. ... Ice Cream.More items...