Deforestation is the permanent destruction of forests in order to make the land available for other uses. An estimated 18 million acres (7.3 million hectares) of forest, which is roughly the size of the country of Panama, are lost each year, according to the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).Mar 4, 2015
Deforestation is when forests are destroyed by cutting of trees and not replanted.Sometimes deforestation happens when people change the land into farms, ranches and cities. A lot of deforestation is caused by the removal of all the trees from a forest for wood or fuel.
Here are 15+ phenomenal ways that you can do to stop or prevent deforestation.Begin by hugging a tree. ... And start planting trees. ... Also stop printing and go paperless. ... When shopping, move towards buying recycled products mainly. ... When at home, recycle as much as possible.More items...
The conversion of forests into agricultural plantations is a major cause of deforestation. The increase in global demand for commodities, such as palm oil and soybeans, are driving industrial-scale producers to clear forests at an alarming rate.Aug 14, 2013
Deforestation can have a negative impact on the environment. The most dramatic impact is a loss of habitat for millions of species. Eighty percent of Earth's land animals and plants live in forests, and many cannot survive the deforestation that destroys their homes. Deforestation also drives climate change.
Dams that are constructed for hydroelectric power plants are another reason for deforestation. One of the consequences of deforestation is a loss of biodiversity. Deforestation also increases greenhouse gas emissions, disrupts the water cycle, increases soil erosion and decreases the natural beauty of an area.
Keeping forests intact also helps prevent floods and drought by regulating regional rainfall. And because many indigenous and forest peoples rely on tropical forests for their livelihoods, investments in reducing deforestation provide them with the resources they need for sustainable development without deforestation.
Natural causes and effects of deforestation. Some examples of deforestation causes are forest fires, droughts, exotic animals, floods, climate change, and overpopulation of foreign animals. All of these add to deforestation. Forest fires burn trees in large amounts, leaving little to none left.
The world's highest rates of deforestation, a significant cause of global warming, are happening in the key emerging economies of Nigeria, Indonesia, and Brazil, according to new research evaluating the state of the world's forests.
One method is REDD, reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation, that seeks to give countries economic benefits for storing carbon in their forests. This prevents releasing excess carbon dioxide into the atmosphere from forest clearing.