Democritus argued for the reality of “void” that gives space for atoms to move.
Democritus identified the good with “pleasantness” and developed a form of hedonism.
Details of Democritus’ life are unknown due to a lack of surviving texts.
Democritus gave a materialist interpretation to the soul, which he contends is composed of exceedingly fine and spherical atoms.
Democritus is also the first philosopher we know of who realized that what we perceive as the Milky Way is the light of distant stars.
Democritus is said to have had a happy disposition, and is sometimes referred to as the "laughing philosopher," as opposed to Heraclitus, who is known as the "weeping philosopher."
Democritus stated, "Sweet exists by convention, bitter by convention; color by convention; but in reality atoms and the void alone exist."