On the other hand, the view also exists that it is unwise or even sacrilegious to try and figure out one’s destiny, which would be tantamount to challenging the gods.
Destiny in particular can also indicate that there is a given direction, hence a possible purpose to our lives.
Accordingly, many educated people today would be reluctant to openly admit a belief in fate or destiny.
Similarly, in the legend of Faust, though Faust sold his soul to the devil, the destiny he took upon himself through that decision was not final.
Every language and culture has a number of terms to express a variety or notions related more or less closely to those of fate and destiny.
Karma is different from destiny in that it is an application of the law of cause and effect to explain one’s lot.
That is, one feels that everything that happens is destiny's way of reaching its ultimate purpose, and so should be considered good.
White American settlers felt it was their appointed destiny to colonize the far West of the United States.
Destiny can be seen as a plan or potential that can be fulfilled or missed depending on the individual’s response.
Destiny, on the other hand, is generally used to refer to a meaningful, predestined but not inescapable course of events.
Fate or Destiny refers to a predetermined course of events, which may be conceived as affecting the world in general or a specific individual.
The common theme of these works is a protagonist who cannot escape a destiny if their fate has been sealed, however hard they try.
The very notions of fate and destiny imply a limitation of human freedom.
That order can be seen as the product of a divine Creator, that of a personified will (“he is beloved by Destiny”) as in Greek mythology, or that of some blind impersonal force.
Destiny is a recurring theme in the literature of Hermann Hesse (1877-1962), including Siddhartha (1922) and his magnum opus, Das Glasperlenspiel also published as The Glass Bead Game (1943).
The human struggle to overcome apparent meaningless edicts of fate, or their heroic effort to fulfill or change destiny have been a natural source of cultural achievements in all places and at all times.
Used in the past tense, "destiny" and "fate" are both more interchangeable, as both imply "one's lot" or fortunes and include the sum of events leading up to a currently achieved outcome (e.g.
The notion of fortune, often associated with East Asia, (e.g., fortune cookies) is closely related to that of luck, good or bad, hence to that of destiny.
The belief in destiny has also had an important concrete impact on human affairs.
Like destiny, fortune implies that there is an “invisible hand” at work in one’s life, predetermining to an extent the result of our endeavors.
When she was eight years old, Beyoncé Knowles auditioned for a kids singing group in Houston, Texas and met LaTavia Robertson (who later became a member of Destiny's Child). The two later met Kelly Rowland and LeToya Lucket and formed the group Girl's Tyme.