Scientists pretty much agree that the earthquakes are being caused by human activity in the area. But there's some confusion among the public about exactly what activities are causing the rumbles, with the major misconception being that hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” is the main culprit.Jun 9, 2015
One way to to make a simple structure more resistant to these lateral forces is to tie the walls, floor, roof, and foundations into a rigid box that holds together when shaken by a quake. The most dangerous building construction, from an earthquake point of view, is unreinforced brick or concrete block.
Earthquakes Turn Water Into Gold. The tyrannosaur of the minerals, this gold nugget in quartz weighs more than 70 ounces (2 kilograms). ... Water in faults vaporizes during an earthquake, depositing gold, according to a model published in the March 17 issue of the journal Nature Geoscience.Mar 17, 2013