Facts about Everyday Life

Pi is the Sixteenth letter in the greek Alphabet but pi is also used in math. You use pi to find the area or circumference of a circle or any round object. ... Pi makes the lives of people who use it often easier because it helps them make calculations quicker and faster.Mar 16, 2015

Oxygen is the most important for keeping us alive because body cells need it for energy and growth. ... The lungs and respiratory system allow oxygen in the air to be taken into the body, while also enabling the body to get rid of carbon dioxide in the air breathed out.

There are three common naturally occurring forms of carbon: graphite, amorphous carbon, and diamond. These are used in many modern products including inks, rubber, steel, pencils, and more! Tens of millions of artificial carbon compounds are useful for petroleum (gasoline) and plastics.

Chlorine kills bacteria – it is a disinfectant. It is used to treat drinking water and swimming pool water. It is also used to make hundreds of consumer products from paper to paints, and from textiles to insecticides. About 20% of chlorine produced is used to make PVC.

* Argon is used in electrical light bulbs, fluorescent tubes, photo tubes, and glow tubes at a pressure of about 3 mm. *Argon is used as a motionless gas shield for arc welding and cutting. *Argon can serve as a blanket for the production of titanium and other reactive elements.

Sodium is used as a heat exchanger in some nuclear reactors, and as a reagent in the chemicals industry. But sodium salts have more uses than the metal itself. The most common compound of sodium is sodium chloride (common salt). It is added to food and used to de-ice roads in winter.

Lithium is the first member of the alkali metal family. ... Lithium has a number of important and interesting uses. In recent years, it has been used to make lightweight, efficient batteries. Compounds of lithium have also been used to treat a mental disorder known as bipolar disorder.

Uses of Titanium. Titanium metal is used as an alloying agent with metals including aluminum, iron, molybdenum and manganese. ... Titanium is used in several everyday products such as drill bits, bicycles, golf clubs, watches and laptop computers.

Amorphous boron is used as a rocket fuel igniter and in pyrotechnic flares. It gives the flares a distinctive green colour. The most important compounds of boron are boric (or boracic) acid, borax (sodium borate) and boric oxide. These can be found in eye drops, mild antiseptics, washing powders and tile glazes.

Then it's time to use an inert gas like krypton to surround your very active and hot flash filament. Non-reactive gases like argon and krypton are great when it comes to getting them to glow. Over time, krypton has been used in the fluorescent lights. They are probably buzzing over your head right now.

Metals and their alloys with other metals find extensive use in our daily life. Iron, copper, aluminium, silver, gold, etc., are extensively used. Iron or steel is used for the construction of bridges, houses, automobile parts, etc. ... The liquid metal mercury is used in making thermometers.

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