Some elementary schools in the USA have gardening clubs for elementary school children as extracurricular programs to foster interest and knowledge of gardening as well as a love for the outdoor environment.
The gardener who wants to keep to natural methods will turn to organic gardening.
Unfortunately, some of the modern tools for gardening have become an environmental issue.
Gardening not only connects people to the natural world in a fun and purposeful way, but can be very educational and lead to a lifelong love of the plant world.
Andrew Jackson Downing began a horticultural revolution with the 1841 publication of A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening.
The importance of gardening has become a lesson being relearned in the modern educational process.
The nineteenth century saw an increase of historical revivals and Romantic cottage-inspired gardening, as well as the rise of flower gardens, which became dominant in home gardening in the twentieth century.
Most Master Gardener programs require their graduates to volunteer a certain number of hours per year to share their gardening expertise with their communities.
The term precision agriculture is sometimes used to describe gardening using intermediate technology (more than tools, less than harvesters).
The books that have been valued gardening references in American homes since colonial times have been joined by radio shows, television programs, and Internet resources.
Gardening can provide a satisfying emotional outlet for the individual who loves to be outdoors or a year-round pursuit for those fortunate enough to have a greenhouse.
The most influential ancient gardens in the western world were Ptolemy's gardens at Alexandria and the gardening tradition brought to Rome by Lucullus.
Community gardening brings people together, beautifies the neighborhood, and creates a sense of ongoing care for the local environment.
Successful gardening requires a knowledge of the various pests that present an obstacle to perfect gardens.
Gardening is the activity of growing and maintaining the garden, but even more, it is a metaphor for investment, patience, and bringing out beauty in an independent other.
In 2001, the National Gardening Association found that eight out of ten American households regularly tend lawns and gardens.
Gardening is labor-intensive and employs very little infrastructural capital, typically no more than a few tools, e.g.
Hobby farming is another term used to describe gardening or raising livestock on the smallest of levels by one family as a very basic income supplement, usually on an acreage of five or less acres.
From the development of new plant varieties that are resistant to disease, pests and environmental hazards, gardening is ever becoming a less risky endeavor for unexpected or undesirable outcomes.
Gardening is one of foremost ways for an individual to directly exert a positively influence on the urban environment.
Garden design is considered to be an art in most cultures, distinguished from gardening, which generally means garden maintenance.
Community gardening is a growing movement across the United States and in some countries such as Great Britain and Australia.
Many of today's one-stop department stores have gardening departments complete with furniture, art, statuary, pond supplies and all manner of gardening supplies to create a place in the outdoors that is inviting and enjoyable.
By this time a separate gardening tradition had arisen in China, which was transmitted to Japan, where it developed into aristocratic miniature landscapes centered on ponds and later into the severe Zen gardens of temples.
The other ancient gardening tradition is of Persia: Darius the Great was said to have had a "paradise garden" and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were renowned as a Wonder of the World.
Science has enhanced gardening practices and has armed gardeners with knowledge to create superlative beauty with the raw materials that nature supplies abundantly.
Gardening also takes place in non-residential green areas, such as parks, public or semi-public gardens (botanical gardens or zoological gardens), amusement and theme parks, along transportation corridors, around tourist attractions and hotels.
Sometimes there is an overlap between farming and gardening because some moderate-sized vegetable growing operations called market gardens are considered to be farming on a small scale.
Gardening is done on a smaller scale, primarily for pleasure and to produce goods for the gardener's own family or community.
Gardening in all its forms has become a major part of modern living for both rural and urban dwellers.
Gardening includes the growing of flowering plants, vegetables, and fruits.