1. Some jellyfish can glow in the dark. Many jellyfish have bioluminescent organs, which emit light. This light may help them in a number of different ways, like attracting prey or distracting predators.Mar 13, 2014
Yes, jellyfish are very important animals in the ocean. We should definitely respect and not harm them. They are food for a number of marine animals such as large fish and turtles. ... They can also protect the small fish from being eaten by predators with their stinging cells.
Here's why that's a problem. The jellyfish eat organisms like zooplankton, which among other things help convert carbon into solid material, which is known as carbon-fixing. The jellyfish digest these plankton and then poop them out as one big gelatinous, carbon-heavy mass.Jun 12, 2011
With no eyes and no brain and only limited ability to move from place to place, jellyfish seem like they'd be pretty harmless. But be careful: their tentacles can pack a powerful poison. Jellies sting prey such as other jellies, small fish, fish eggs and crustaceans. ... The life of a jellyfish is short.Mar 20, 2013
5. Some jellyfish have teeth. The beroid comb jellyfish has hundreds of rows of “teeth” made of tiny hairs that can pierce, tear and pull their prey into their stomachs.