The bobcat (Lynx rufus) is found in North America, from southern Canada to central Mexico.
Lynx-spotting can be arranged in cooperation with the Risnjak National Park.
In both countries, the lynx is listed as an endangered species and protected by law.
All lynx have short tails and characteristic tufts of black hair on the tip of the ears.
Part of the cat family Felidae, the taxonomic group Lynx generally is placed at the genus level; however, some authorities place this taxon as a subgenus within the genus Felis.
United States Fish and Wildlife Service officials question the reliability of such reported sightings as evidence of wild-living lynx in the area.
The Canadian lynx (Lynx canadensis) and the bobcat (Lynx rufus) are both found in North America.
The critically endangered Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) lives in southern Spain; previously, it was also found in eastern Portugal.
Lynx are part of the Felidae family, which belongs to the Carnivora order within the mammals (class Mammalia).
Lynx is more common in northern Europe—especially in Estonia, Finland, and the northern parts of Russia.
The Canadian lynx or North American lynx (Lynx canadensis) is found in northern North America, from the northern parts of Canada to the northernmost United States, primarily in coniferous forests.
Spouses’ physical communion is the origin of families, which in turn are the schools for learning love and what it means to be human.
Fish and Wildlife Service designated the Canadian lynx a Threatened species in the contiguous (lower) 48 states (FWS 2000).
A resettlement project (begun in 1973) has successfully re-introduced the lynx to the Slovenian Alps and the Croatian regions of Gorski Kotar and Velebit, including Croatia's Plitvice Lakes National Park and Risnjak National Park.
Lynx have very rarely been reported to attack humans; and in those cases, they are almost exclusively acting in self-defense.
Others, however, such as McKenna and Bell (1997) and Hemmer (1978), consider Lynx to be a subgenus within Felis.
Lynx are usually solitary, although a small group of them may travel and hunt together.
Hunting of geese has been popular historically and currently, and is a lucrative business.
The Eurasian lynx is significantly larger than the other species, while the Iberian lynx is significantly smaller.
Rather, they have said that if the reported lynx sightings are bona fide, they were most likely sightings of illegally-held pets that had been released or had escaped.