The Bureau of Economic Analysis estimates that Montana's total state product in 2003 was $26 billion.
Historically, Montana is a Swing state of cross-ticket voters with a tradition of sending conservatives to Helena (the state capital) and liberals to Washington.
Due to the configuration of mountain ranges in Glacier National Park, the Northern Divide (which begins in Alaska's Seward Peninsula) crosses this region and turns east in Montana at Triple Divide Peak.
Montana has the largest grizzly bear population in the lower 48 states.
Native Americans were the first of many inhabitants of the state of Montana.
Montana's personal income tax contains 7 brackets, with rates ranging from 1 percent to 6.9 percent.
Montana's Hispanic population is particularly concentrated around the Billings area in south-central Montana, and the highest density of African-Americans is located in Great Falls.
The other two posts in the Montana Territory were Camp Cooke on the Judith River and Fort C.F.
Montana also claims the disputed title of possessing the "world's shortest river," the Roe River, just outside Great Falls, Montana.
Gabriel Dumont fled to exile in Montana, later joining Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show.
Schweitzer signed a bill banning the Montana Motor Vehicle Division from enforcing the new regulations.
Montana is second only to South Dakota in U.S. Hutterite population with several colonies spread across the state.
Montana contains Glacier National Park and portions of Yellowstone National Park, including three of the Park's five entrances.
Other major Montana tributaries of the Missouri include the Milk, Marias, Tongue, and Musselshell Rivers.
Montana's triple divide allows water to flow into three oceans: the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean (Gulf of Mexico), and the Arctic Ocean (Hudson Bay).
In 1902, a group of female students from the Fort Shaw Indian Industrial School began playing basketball and traveled throughout Montana, defeating high school teams and some college teams.
Helena (IPA: /?h?l?n?/) is the capital of the Montana, voted one of the "ten best places to live" by Money magazine for 2008.
Montana has eight National Forests and over 20 National Wildlife Refuges.
Coal was available for fuel and the Montana ranchers raised beef production to feed the military.
Helena has been the capital of Montana Territory (since 1875) and the state of Montana (since 1889).
The prophecy of Elijah's return (Malachi 4:5) was to prepare the people for the man who would come to fulfill this unfinished mission.
Fort Shaw (Montana Territory) was established in the spring of 1867.
The planned battleships USS Montana were named in honor of the state.
The revised Homestead Act of the early 1900s greatly affected the settlement of Montana.
According to the Missoulian, the economy has grown rapidly since 2003; in 2005, Montana ranked 39th in the nation with an average per capita personal income of $29,387.
Man-made reservoirs dot Montana's rivers, the largest of which is Fort Peck Reservoir, on the Missouri river, contained by the largest earth-filled dam in the world.
The reorganization of the Idaho Territory in 1864, showing the newly-created Montana Territory.
Montana is well known for its mountainous western region, part of the northern Rocky Mountains.
During World War II Montana powered up the nation by being a supplier of metal for building materials.
One of Montana's most revered Native American leaders was Plenty Coups.
Millions of visitors flock each year to Montana's great National Parks and recreational areas.
Many Canadian Mйtis, from a word meaning 'mixed race', settled in Montana in the latter half of the nineteenth century.
According to the 2005 U.S. Census, 1.37 percent of the population of Montana aged 5 and over speak Spanish at home, while 0.08 percent speak German, and 95 percent speak English.
Montana (IPA: /m?n?tж.n?/) is a state in the Pacific Northwest and Great Plains regions of the United States of America.
Other similar Montana schools that same year had 180, 175, and 83 American Indian students.
Politically, Montana remained fairly evenly divided between the two major parties during the 1970s and 1980s.
Montana has 120 public use airports and an estimated 450 private use airstrips.
The planned battleships USS Montana were named in honor of the state.
Paleontologist Jack Horner, of the Museum of the Rockies in Bozeman, Montana, brought this formation to the world's attention with several major finds.
Flowers native to Montana include asters, bitterroots, daisies, lupins, poppies, primroses, columbine, lilies, orchids and dryads.
Many of Montana's historic logging communities originally attracted people of Scandinavian and Scots-Irish descent.
Montana beckons to those who love outdoor recreation, sports and the beautiful scenery of wide open spaces, mountains, lakes and sky.
Montana is one of several western states that is automatically associated with wide open spaces and mainly unpopulated regions of the U.S.A.
Montana's lone US Congressman, Republican Denny Rehberg, easily won reelection in a landslide.
The largest wave of homesteaders did not arrive in Montana until after 1908 when the railroads were built.
On April 17, 2007, Montana became the first state to pass legislation against the federal government's Real ID Act, requiring the true identity to be verified by all persons applying for a drivers' license.
Nevertheless, although today's Montana farmers are a minority lifestyle in Montana, agriculture remains an essential role in this state's economy.
Coal was available for fuel and the Montana ranchers raised beef production to feed the military.
In the famous battle known as “Custer's Last Stand,” Sioux and Cheyenne Indians killed Lieutenant George A. Custer and more than 200 of his men in less than 20 minutes. “Treasure State” refers to the importance of mining in Montana – copper, lead, zinc, silver, coal, and oil.
Montana has the largest migratory elk herd in the nation. The state boasts the largest breeding population of trumpeter swans in the lower United States. At the Rocky Mountain Front Eagle Migration Area west of Great Falls more golden eagles have been seen in a single day than anywhere else in the country.
Montana is referred to as the "Treasure State because of its rich mineral reserves. Mining has been an economic cornerstone of the state and the state's motto "Oro y Plata," Spanish for gold and silver, refers to two of the minerals that gave rise to the nickname.Jul 28, 2017
Montana Statehood. Montana was the 41st state to be admitted into the Union on November 8, 1889. For sixty years prior to establishment of the Territory of Montana in 1864, seven different territories of the western United States governed the area that was to become Montana.
The name Montana comes from the Spanish word Montaña and the Latin word Montana, meaning "mountain", or more broadly, "mountainous country". Montaña del Norte was the name given by early Spanish explorers to the entire mountainous region of the west.
After the discovery of gold in the region, Montana was designated as a United States territory (Montana Territory) on May 26, 1864 and, with rapid population growth, as the 41st state on November 8, 1889.
They Settled in Montana: Introduction. Congress passed The Free Homestead Act in 1862 during the Presidency of Abraham Lincoln. It was enacted on January 1, 1863.