Polar bears feed mainly on ringed and bearded seals. Depending upon their location, they also eat harp and hooded seals and scavenge on carcasses of beluga whales, walruses, narwhals, and bowhead whales. On occasion, polar bears kill beluga whales and young walruses.
Polar bears get their water from the chemical reaction that breaks down fat. This is why a polar bear's diet is high in fat but low in protein. For example, when they hunt seals, polar bears will eat the blubber, but leave the rest behind for scavengers.Sep 27, 2003
Ask any child what color a polar bear is and s/he will exclaim, “white” with great enthusiasm, but truth be told, their fur is actually transparent and holds no color. It only appears white because it reflects visible light. They're nearly invisible under infrared photography.Feb 27, 2014
CLEAR! But if the Polar bear's skin is black, how come they don't look black in colour? Well, each of the longer guard hairs on the Polar bear's body is hollow and reflects visible light, much like snow. So when the sun is shining brightly, Polar bears appear bright white.Jan 4, 2012
A Polar bear's coat has two layers of hair: an outer layer, made up of long (5-15cm) guard hairs; and a thick undercoat, made up of shorter hair. These guard hairs are mostly transparent or clear, but thanks to some special characteristics that work to create cool optical tricks, these hairs appear white.Nov 2, 2012
Believe it or not, their hair isn't actually white! Their long outer hairs, which protect their soft, thick undercoat, are mostly hollow and transparent. The thinner hairs of their undercoat are also colorless. Polar bear hair looks white because the air spaces in the hairs scatter light of all colors.
Polar Bears can live 20-30 years but only a small amount of polar bears live past 15-18 years.in captivity a polar bear has lived to be 45 years old but in the wild the longest living polar bear was known to be 32 years old.
"If it's a fight between a 1,200-pound male polar bear and a 600-pound grizzly, I think we know who would win," Dr. Rockwell said. "But in this likeliest of cases, it's debatable. There are actually reports in the literature where grizzlies have killed denning polar bear females."Feb 23, 2010
The largest male weighed 2,210 lbs. That said, the largest bear found was a Kodiak: he was 14 feet tall and 2500 lbs. On average, however, the Kodiak is 800-1500 lbs and stand 5-10 feet tall. Overall, they're much more dense than Polar Bears, but Polars are still bigger.
Pregnant females polar bears (called sows) build snow dens. ... Male polar bears (called boars) are active all year.