Adherents of Kabbalah (esoteric Jewish mysticism) base their prayers on those found in the siddur, the traditional Jewish prayer text.
In 1872, Francis Galton conducted a famous statistical experiment to determine whether or not prayer had a physical effect on the external environment.
Muslims may also say dua in their own words and languages for any issue they wish to communicate with God in the hope that God will answer their prayers.
One of the largest randomized, blind clinical trials was a remote retroactive intercessory prayer study conducted in Israel by Leibovici.
The "call for prayer" (adhan or azaan) traditionally occurred from a minaret where the muezzin would call fellow Muslims to stand together for the prayer (see picture inset).
Communal prayer is preferred over solitary prayer, and a quorum of 10 adults males (a minyan) is considered a prerequisite for several communal prayers.
Jewish teachings suggest that those who commit suicide would not face God's punishment, Sherwin says.
The believers have been enjoined to face in the direction of the Qiblih (Shrine of Bahб'u'llбh, near `Akkб, in present day Israel) when reciting their Obligatory Prayer.
Prayer may be directed towards a deity, spirit, deceased person, or lofty idea, for the purpose of worshiping, requesting guidance, requesting assistance, confessing sins or to express one's thoughts and emotions.
A third type of prayer involves praise and worship directed towards a divine being.
The act of prayer is attested in written sources as early as 5000 years ago.
Other well-known Biblical prayers include the Song of Moses (Exodus 15:1-28), the Song of Hannah (1 Samuel 2:1-8), and the Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55).
The most important Jewish prayers are the Shema Yisrael ("Hear O Israel") and the Amidah ("the standing prayer").
Several studies of prayer effectiveness have yielded null results.
Similarly, the MANTRA study conducted by Duke University found no differences in outcome of cardiac procedures as a result of prayer.
Hinduism has incorporated many kinds of prayer (Sanskrit: pr?rthan?), from fire-based rituals to philosophical musings.
The Carmen Arvale and the Carmen Saliare are two specimens of partially preserved prayers that seem to have been unintelligible to their scribes, and whose language is full of archaisms and difficult passages.
Prayers may be recited from memory, read from a book of prayers, or composed spontaneously as they are prayed.
From biblical times to today, the most common form of prayer is to directly appeal to God to grant one's requests called "petitionary prayers."
The bell and hand clapping are meant to wake up or attract the attention of the kami of the shrine, so that one's prayer may be heard.
Prayer may be either individual or communal and take place in public or in private.
God listens to the prayer, and may or may not choose to answer in the way one asks of Him.
Prayer is a form of religious practice that seeks to activate a volitional connection to some greater power in the universe through deliberate intentional practice.
Prayers in Etruscan were used in the Roman world by augurs and other oracles long after Etruscan became a dead language.
Shinto prayers quite frequently consist of wishes or favors asked of the kami, rather than lengthy praises or devotions.
Sometimes this form of prayer will concentrate on repition of the name of God (such as nam simran or Jap in Sikhism), or focus on God's glorious attributes or names.
According to a study by Centra State Hospital, "the psychological benefits of prayer may help reduce stress and anxiety, promote a more positive outlook, and strengthen the will to live.
Galton hypothesized that if prayer was effective, members of the British Royal family would live longer, given that thousands prayed for their wellbeing every Sunday.
When language is used, prayer may take the form of a hymn, incantation, formal creedal statement, or a spontaneous utterance in the praying person.
Bahб'нs are also required to recite each day one of three obligatory prayers revealed by Bahб'u'llбh.
Prayer affects the very fabric of reality itself, restructuring and repairing the universe in a real fashion.
Again, a popular print circulated of him being arrested while teaching his son about Magna Carta.
Roman prayers and sacrifices were often envisioned as legal bargains between deity and worshipper.
Many accept that prayer can aid in recovery, not due to divine influence but due to psychological and physical benefits.
Some outward acts that sometimes accompany prayer are: anointing with oil; ringing a bell; burning incense or paper; lighting a candle or candles; facing a specific direction (i.e.
Other popular forms of Christian prayer include the Rosary (in Roman Catholicism) and the Jesus Prayer (in Eastern Orthodoxy).
Other well-known Biblical prayers include the Song of Moses (Exodus 15:1-28), the Song of Hannah (1 Samuel 2:1-8), and the Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55).
Others feel that the concept of conducting prayer experiments reflects a misunderstanding of the purpose of prayer.
In ancient times, communal prayer in Judaism was closely related to the performance of ritual sacrifice at the Temple of Jerusalem.
Some anthropologists have envisaged a widespread (but by no means universal) pattern of progression in the organization of society in ever-larger groups, with the needs and practices of leadership changing accordingly.
Deuteronomy 6:16 states, "You shall not test the Lord thy God" reflecting the notion of some that prayer cannot, or should not, be tested.
Bahб'u'llбh, the Bбb, and `Abdu'l-Bahб revealed many prayers for general use, and some for specific occasions, including for unity, detachment, spiritual upliftment, and healing among others.
There can be many different answers to prayer, just as there are many ways to interpret an answer to a question, if there in fact comes an answer.
Buddhism for the most part sees prayer as a secondary, supportive practice to meditation and scriptural study.
The Prague government of General Jan Syrovy did not oppose these demands, and the acting head of the HS?S, Jozef Tiso, was appointed as minister for the administration of Slovakia.
Prayer may be done privately and individually, or it may be done corporately in the presence of fellow believers.
Nevertheless, today many lay people in East Asian countries pray to the Buddha in ways that resemble Western prayer - asking for intervention and offering devotion.
One such study, with a double-blind design and about 500 subjects per group, suggested that intercessory prayer by born again Christians had a statistically significant positive effect on a coronary care unit population.
The formalism and formulaic nature of these prayers led them to be written down in language that may have only been partially understood by the writers.
The largest book in the Bible is the Book of Psalms, 150 religious songs which are also prayers.
The English word "prayer" derives from the Old French preier (meaning: "to request").
Others feel that the concept of conducting prayer experiments reflects a misunderstanding of the purpose of prayer.
Prayer can be incorporated into a daily "thought life," in which one is in constant communication with a God.
Many studies have suggested that prayer can reduce physical stress, regardless of the god or gods a person prays to, and this may be true for many worldly reasons.
The siddur is the prayerbook used by Jews the world over, containing a set order of daily prayers.
The most common and basic form of devotion involves throwing a coin, or several, into a collection box, ringing a bell, clapping one's hands, and contemplating one's wish or prayer silently.
Prayer is seen mainly as a powerful psycho-physical practice that can enhance meditation.