Refugee advocacy organizations, including the Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children, focus their programs and advocacy specifically on the needs of refugee women, children, and youth.
Another study showed that nearly thirty percent of Bosnian refugee women had symptoms of PTSD three or four years after their arrival in Sweden.
The definition of a refugee at this time was an individual with either a Nansen passport or a "Certificate of Eligibility" issued by the International Refugee Organization.
The governments of West Bengal, Bihar, Assam, Meghalaya, and Tripura established refugee camps along the border.
A person who is seeking to be recognized as a refugee is an asylum seeker.
The term "refugee" is sometimes applied to people who may have fit the definition if the 1951 Convention was applied retroactively.
The final estimate of refugee numbers was over seven hundred thousand according to the United Nations Conciliation Commission.
Equally, the dissolution of countries, such as former Yugoslavia, has led to significant population movements and refugee problems.
The refugee situation with the presence of numerous refugee camps continues to be a point of contention in the Arab-Israeli conflict.
The "farthest Mosque" (al-masjid al-Aqsa) in verse 17:1of the Qur'an is traditionally interpreted by Muslims as referring to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
Women and adolescent girls in refugee settings are especially vulnerable to exploitation, rape, abuse, and other forms of gender-based violence.
The UNRRA was shut down in 1949 and its refugee tasks given to the International Refugee Organization (IRO).
The refugee camps soon came to be controlled by the former government and Hutu militants who used the camps as bases to launch attacks against the new government in Rwanda.
Beyond the toxicity risks to human health and the environment which are associated with first-generation nanomaterials, nanotechnology has broader societal implications and poses broader social challenges.
Refugee was defined as a legal group in response to the large numbers of people fleeing Eastern Europe following World War II.
Without an education, refugee women and youth often struggle to support themselves and their families.
A study of the jaguar in the Chamela-Cuixmala Biosphere Reserve on the Mexican Pacific coast, showed ranges of just 30–50 kilograms (66–110 lbs), about the size of the cougar (Nuanaez et al.
Africa has also become an area of large refugee problems, following various civil wars and revolutions.