Santa Anna spent the next years battling insurgents and policing the Indian tribes of the internal provinces (political divisions of Mexico).
Santa Anna was born in Xalapa, Veracruz, on February 21, 1794, the son of Antonio Lуpez de Santa Anna and Manuela Pйrez de Lebrуn.
Santa Anna was a devoted collector of Napoleonic artifacts, and also considered himself the "Napoleon of the West."
Santa Anna declared himself president again and unsuccessfully tried to fight off the United States invasion.
In 1897, Santa Anna's grandson by his second marriage, Santa Anna III (1881–1965), entered the Jesuit order.
After a national referendum confirmed the people's preference for a monarchy over a republic, the Norwegian government offered the throne of Norway to the Danish Prince Carl and Parliament unanimously elected him king.
Fearing for his life, Santa Anna tried to elude capture, but in January 1845, he was apprehended by a group of Indians near Xico, Veracruz, turned over to authorities, and imprisoned.
That year a group of liberals led by Benito Juбrez and Ignacio Comonfort overthrew Santa Anna, and he fled back to Cuba.
In 1821, Santa Anna switched sides and declared his loyalty to insurgent leader "El Libertador:" The future Emperor of Mexico, Agustнn de Iturbide.
Soon after, Santa Anna was once again asked to take control of the provisional government as Anastasio Bustamante's presidency turned chaotic.
Santa Anna is rumored to have wed the very young Melchora Barrera during his occupation of San Antonio de Bйjar in 1836.
A small band of Texas forces captured Santa Anna the day after the battle, on April 22.
In 1851, Santa Anna went into exile in Kingston, Jamaica, and two years later, moved to Turbaco, Colombia.
Santa Anna's rule was even more dictatorial than his first administration.
Once back in Mexico at the head of an army, Santa Anna reneged on both of these agreements.
The Mexican government gave Santa Anna control of the army and ordered him to defend the nation by any means necessary.
On his own initiative, Santa Anna prepared to invade Cuba, which remained under Spanish rule, but he possessed neither the funds nor sufficient support for such an adventure.
When these voiced their displeasure, Santa Anna dismissed Farнas, declared the Constitution suspended, disbanded the Congress, and worked to concentrate power in the central government.
Santa Anna was one of the main characters in the 2004 movie, The Alamo, portrayed by Emilio Echevarrнa.
Despite Mexico's capitulation to French demands, Santa Anna was able to use his wound to re-enter Mexican politics as a hero.
Santa Anna marched against the Barradas Expedition with a much smaller force and defeated the Spaniards, many of whom were suffering from yellow fever.
Before Santa Anna could leave Texas, 200 angry volunteer soldiers from the United States threatened to remove him from his boat and kill him as it was leaving the port of Velasco.
Later, Santa Anna would play important roles in replacing presidents Manuel Gуmez Pedraza and Vicente Guerrero.
In 1811, Santa Anna was wounded in the arm by a Chichimec arrow while on a campaign against northern Indian tribes.
Santa Anna's forces killed 187-250 Texan defenders at the Battle of the Alamo (February 23-March 6, 1836) and executed 342 Texan prisoners at the Goliad massacre (March 27, 1836).
Despite his generous payoffs to the military for loyalty, by 1855, even his conservative allies had had enough of Santa Anna.
Santa Anna was declared a hero, which he relished, and from then on, he styled himself "The Victor of Tampico" and "The Savior of the Motherland."
During the next few years, in which the war for independence reached a stalemate, Santa Anna erected villages for displaced citizens near Veracruz.
Back in Mexico City, a new government declared that Santa Anna was no longer president and the treaty was thus null and void.
After a long campaign by the Nigerian authorities, in October 2005 Nigeria and its Paris Club creditors reached an agreement that will see Nigeria's debt reduced by approximately 60 percent.
President Valentнn Gуmez Farнas was desperate enough to accept the offer and allowed Santa Anna to return.