The Plurinational State of Bolivia is South America's poorest country. In the countryside, poverty is widespread and deeply entrenched, particularly among the nation's indigenous people, who constitute the majority. About 60 per cent of Bolivians live below the national poverty line.
The Republic of Honduras is the second poorest country in Central America. It is a lower middle-income country with persistent poverty and inequality challenges and a per-capita income of about US$1,880 in 2010. ... However, poverty is essentially a rural problem.
In percentage, Honduras has the largest cheap labor in Central America, its economy is mainly agricultural, the main export products are rice, coffee, bananas, vegetables, and other products. Nicaragua: Is the least stable country in the region, and the second poorest in the hemisphere after Haiti.
That's almost a third of the entire population of El Salvador itself, Central America's smallest country. ... A civil war tore El Salvador apart in the 1980s – and today violent drug-gang crime is tearing it down. About 40 percent of the population live in poverty while a tiny elite lives in luxury.Mar 19, 2014
Want in a rich country. Suriname ranks seventeenth among the world's richest countries in development potential. ... Suriname is blessed with natural resources, yet 80% of its population live under the poverty line.
The sharply-dressed Kerviel is, at least on one measure, the world's poorest man, owing SocGen around $6.3bn (£3.7bn). But consider that by this metric of net wealth, US medical students are among the worst off in the world while studying, yet are likely to earn much more that most upon qualifying.May 19, 2014
Countries With The Lowest GDP per CapitaRankCountryGDP Per Capita1Central African Republic6522Congo, Dem. Rep.7733Burundi8144Liberia85521 more rows
Nicaragua is the second poorest country in Latin America after Haiti. Poverty is largely a rural problem in Nicaragua, although there are pockets of poverty in the capital, Managua, and in other urban areas. Close to half (43 per cent) of the people in Nicaragua live in rural areas.
More than 30 percent of the population lives in poverty, according to the central bank, and Paraguay ranks near the bottom among South American countries in reducing poverty over the last decade, according to the United Nations. Social spending for antipoverty projects is minimal, largely because taxation is lacking.Apr 24, 2013
While Kenya is on the path to economic growth, however, poverty alleviation remains a challenge. Nearly half of the country's 43 million people live below the poverty line or unable to meet their daily nutritional requirements. ... Kenya also has one of the world's highest rates of population growth.
Mike Tyson. The former heavyweight champion of the world (and sometimes ear biter) was once worth about $300 million at the height of his career, according to Celebrity Networth. ... Lindsay Lohan. ... Chris Tucker. ... Teresa Giudice. ... Pamela Anderson. ... Gary Busey.