Some people like scorpions, but to me they are just about one step above cockroaches, but more interesting. Anyway, it is very, very difficult to drown a scorpion. ... Well, scorpions are pretty tough. They can go for months without eating and for considerable time without taking in oxygen.May 5, 2012
This causes the scorpion to spasm wildly and this spasming may appear as if the scorpion is stinging itself. It is also untrue that alcohol will cause scorpions to sting themselves to death. Radiation: It is said that scorpions can survive the radiation that results from the detonation of nuclear weapons.
So what happens if a human gets stung by a scorpion? Some common symptoms of a scorpion sting are a tingling or burning at the sting site, numbness, difficulty swallowing, difficulty breathing, blurry vision, or seizures. In some rare cases, pancreatitis – a painful inflammation of the pancreas – may occur.
Scorpions are unusual long lived compared to other invertebrates. Most scorpions reach maturity in 1-3 years (some species take longer time), and live for 1-3 years as adults. This means that scorpions can live from 2-6 years, but there are few life span studies.