Catholic theologian Karl Rahner goes so far as to say: "The 'economic' Trinity is the 'immanent' Trinity and the 'immanent' Trinity is the 'economic' Trinity.
Some contemporary theologians including feminists refer to the persons of the Holy Trinity with gender-neutral language, such as "Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer (or Sanctifier)."
Again, using the example of food aid, sometimes food aid provisions will require certain types of food be purchased from certain sellers, and food aid can be misused to enhance the markets of donor countries.
The doctrine of the trinity is therefore symbolic, somewhat paradoxically, of both division and unity.
The ontological Trinity refers to the reciprocal relationships of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit immanent within the essence of God, i.e., the interior life of the Trinity "within itself" (John 1:1-2).
The idea of the organism must be supplemented by the idea of a symphony of personalities, in which the mystery of the Holy Trinity is reflected.
The Trinity in Christianity is a theological doctrine developed to explain the relationship of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit described in the Bible.
Other religions have embraced a much more positive attitude towards the Trinity.
Muslim rejection of the Trinity concept is sometimes associated with the view that Christians are misguided polytheists.
The word "Trinity," however, actually came from the Latin Trinitas, meaning "three-ness," "the property of occurring three at once," or "three are one."
The Greek term used for the Christian Trinity, "?????," means "a set of three" or "the number three," from which the English word triad is derived.
According to Augustine, as human beings were created in the image of God, an image of the Trinity should be found in them and especially in the human mind.
The tradition in the West was more prone to make positive statements concerning the relationship of persons in the Trinity.
More simply, the ontological Trinity explains who God is, and the economic Trinity what God does.
Various other explanations of the accepted doctrine of the Trinity were developed.
The concept of the Trinity has evoked mixed reactions in other world religions.
Some Protestant Christians, particularly members of the Restoration Movement, are ambivalent about the doctrine of the trinity.
The doctrine of the Trinity as a central Christian doctrine attempts to disclose a deep truth about the nature of God and the triadic nature of reality.
The feasibility of this proposal can be tested by how relevant it is to the received distinction between the ontological and economic Trinity.
Additional discussions centering on the Trinity have addressed how the doctrine relates to Hindu understandings of the supreme Brahman as "Sat-Cit-Ananda" (absolute truth, consciousness and bliss).
Hence we would affirm that at least one of the members in both sets of the Trinity can be deemed to be female.
Recently, there have been two philosophical attempts to defend the logical coherency of the Trinity, one by Richard Swinburne and the other by Peter Geach.
The ontological Trinity refers to the reciprocal relationships of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit immanent within the essence of God, i.e., the interior life of the Trinity "within itself" (John 1:1-2).