A central figure in Vincent van Gogh's life was his brother Theo, an art dealer with the firm of Goupil & Cie, who continually provided financial support.
Art historian Albert Boime believes that Van Gogh – even in seemingly fantastical compositions like Starry Night – based his work in reality.
Of painting portraits, Van Gogh wrote: "in a picture I want to say something comforting as music is comforting.
One of Van Gogh's most popular and widely known series are his Cypresses.
On May 8, 1889, Van Gogh was admitted to the mental hospital of Saint-Paul-de Mausole in a former monastery in Saint Rйmy de Provence, a little less than 20 miles from Arles.
Schama mentioned a wide number of artists who have adapted elements of Van Gogh's style, including Willem de Kooning, Howard Hodgkin and Jackson Pollock.
Writing in July 1890, Van Gogh said that he had become absorbed "in the immense plain against the hills, boundless as the sea, delicate yellow".
By the mid-1700s, the Ojibwe occupied all of Lake Superior's shores.
Van Gogh painted several versions of landscapes with flowers, including hisView of Arles with Irises, and paintings of flowers, including Irises, Sunflowers, lilacs and roses.
Abstract Expressionism of the 1940s and 1950s is seen as in part inspired from Van Gogh's broad, gestural brush strokes.
Following his first exhibitions in the late 1880s, Van Gogh's fame grew steadily among colleagues, art critics, dealers and collectors.
In 1957, Francis Bacon (1909–1992) based a series of paintings on reproductions of Van Gogh's The Painter on the Road to Tarascon, the original of which was destroyed during World War II.
The series of Flowering Orchards, sometimes referred to as the Orchards in Blossom paintings, were among the first groups of work that Van Gogh completed after his arrival in Arles, Provence in February 1888.
On October 23 Gauguin arrived in Arles, after repeated requests from Van Gogh.
Van Gogh was taken by the landscape and vegetation of the South of France, and often visited the farm gardens near Arles.
Theo van Gogh arranged for his brother to have two small rooms, one for use as a studio, although in reality they were simply adjoining cells with barred windows.
Van Gogh's first impression was that Gachet was "sicker than I am, I think, or shall we say just as much".
Astronomers at Southwest Texas State University in San Marcos calculated that the star is Venus, which was bright in the evening sky in June 1890 when Van Gogh is believed to have painted the picture.
In April 1881, Van Gogh again went to live with his parents in Etten and continued drawing, using neighbors as subjects.
After becoming familiar with Impressionist and Neo-Impressionist techniques and theories, Van Gogh went to Arles to develop on these new possibilities.
Signac visited him in the hospital and Van Gogh was allowed home in his company.
At various times in his life, Van Gogh painted the view from his window – at The Hague, Antwerp, Paris.
Vincent van Gogh (March 30, 1853 – July 29, 1890) is one of the world's best known and most beloved artists.
Uncharacteristically, Van Gogh painted some pictures from memory, deferring to Gauguin's ideas on this.
An alternative account of the ear incident has been presented by two German art historians who have suggested that it was Gauguin who sliced off Van Gogh's ear with his sword during a fight.
Of painting portraits, Van Gogh wrote: "in a picture I want to say something comforting as music is comforting.
Van Gogh's depression deepened, and on July 27, 1890, at the age of 37, he walked into the fields and shot himself in the chest with a revolver.
Following a visit to the Rijksmuseum, Van Gogh was aware that many of his faults were due to lack of technical experience.
Vincent van Gogh (March 30, 1853 – July 29, 1890) is one of the world's best known and most beloved artists.
Bacon was inspired by not only an image he described as "haunting," but also Van Gogh himself, whom Bacon regarded as an alienated outsider, a position which resonated with Bacon.
Vincent Willem van Gogh was born in Zundert in the Province of North Brabant, in the southern Netherlands, the son of Anna Cornelia Carbentus and Theodorus van Gogh, a Protestant minister.
On May 8, 1889, Van Gogh was admitted to the mental hospital of Saint-Paul-de Mausole in a former monastery in Saint Rйmy de Provence, a little less than 20 miles from Arles.
Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890) Vincent Van Gogh was born on 30 March 1853 in Zundert in the southern Netherlands, the son of a pastor. In 1869, he took his first job, working in the Hague branch of an international art dealing firm.
On 23 December 1888, Vincent van Gogh cut off his ear. He took it to a prostitute in a hotel in Arles in southern France where he was living at the time. The painter died one and a half years later following a suicide attempt.
Van Gogh was known for his thick application of paint on canvas, called impasto. An Italian word for “paste” or “mixture”, impasto is used to describe a painting technique where paint (usually oil) is laid on so thickly that the texture of brush strokes or palette knife are clearly visible.
Van Gogh is generally regarded as the greatest Dutch painter since Rembrandt despite the fact that he did not become famous until after his death. His influence on Expressionism, Fauvism and early abstraction was remarkable and some of his paintings rank among the most expensive ever sold at auction.
Van Gogh died in 1890 in Auvers-sur-Oise where he was painting the wheat fields. He sustained a gunshot injury to his abdomen while out in those fields before dying in an inn two days later. On his death bed he revealed he had shot himself.Aug 9, 2013
It shows the artist in three-quarter profile standing in a room in the Yellow House wearing a closed coat and a fur cap. His right ear is bandaged. It was in fact his left ear that was bandaged, the painting being a mirror image. To his right is an easel with a canvas on it.