West Virginia University in Morgantown, Marshall University in Huntington, and West Virgina State University in Institute are among the public colleges and universities in the state.
By 1900, only the coalfields in the most rugged terrain of southern West Virginia were untapped.
Governors of West Virginia can serve two consecutive terms, but must sit out a term before serving a third term in office.
Coal is not the only valuable mineral found in West Virginia, as the state was the site of the 1928 discovery of the 34.48 carat (6.896 g) Jones Diamond.
West Virginia broke away from Virginia during the American Civil War and was admitted to the Union as a separate state on June 20, 1863.
The West Virginia Legislature is bicameral, consisting of the House of Delegates and the Senate.
West Virginia also has some oil reserves but currently only has a few small to medium sized oil and natural gas fields being tapped.
The start of World War I led to increased demand for chemical compounds, and with the closing off of Germany's chemical industry, the allies and the rest of the world turned to West Virginia.
One of West Virginia's greatest natural resources is its pristine mountain environment.
Roasting pumpkin seeds (usually scooped out of jack-o-lanterns) is a popular Halloween treat.
On April 17, 1861, fifteen of the forty-six delegates from the area located in the present state of West Virginia voted to secede from the United States.
The area which became West Virginia furnished about an equal amount of soldiers to the Federal and Confederate governments, approximately 22-25,000 each.
In 1889, in the southern part of the state, along the Norfolk and Western rail lines, the coal center of Bluefield, West Virginia, was founded.
Only 1.1 percent of the state's residents were foreign-born, placing West Virginia last among the 50 states in that statistic.
According to U.S. Census Bureau data, West Virginia is the third lowest in per capita income, ahead of only Arkansas and Mississippi.
During the American Civil War, West Virginia suffered comparatively little.
Later, more sophisticated mining methods would restore West Virginia's role as a major producer of salt.
West Virginia's capital and seat of government is the city of Charleston, located in the southwest area of the state.
The most consistent support for Democrats is found in the coal region of southern West Virginia (especially McDowell, Mingo, Logan, Wyoming, and Boone Counties).
The proportionally large amount of military bases in Scotland, when compared to other parts of the UK, has led some to use the euphemism "Fortress Scotland.
West Virginia is a state in the Appalachia/Upland South region of the United States.
Farming is very limited in West Virginia because of the state's mountainous terrain.
Ecologically, most of West Virginia falls into the Appalachian mixed mesophytic forests ecoregion.
West Virginia has a history of supporting Democratic candidates in state and local elections.
The Northern Panhandle and North-Central West Virginia regions usually split right down the middle in terms of being Republican or Democrat.
Airports, railroads, and rivers complete the commercial transportation modes for West Virginia.
The economy of West Virginia is now one of the most fragile of any state in the U.S.
Once West Virginia was finally proclaimed a state by President Lincoln, a new state capital had to be named.
West Virginia is the only state in the Union to secede from another state, Virginia, in U.S.
Highways form the backbone of transportation systems in West Virginia, with over 37,300 miles of public roads in the state.
West Virginia is the only state in the nation located entirely within the Appalachian Mountain range, and in which all areas are mountainous; for this reason it is nicknamed "The Mountain State."
The five largest ancestry groups in West Virginia are: American (23.2 percent), German (17.2 percent), Irish (13.5 percent) (Most actually Scots-Irish), English (12 percent), Italian (4.8 percent).
The Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia is the busiest appellate court of its type in the United States.
Beef cattle and calves produce about 21% of the state's total agricultural receipts. Chicken eggs, dairy products, and turkeys are other major livestock products produced by the State of West Virginia. Sheep and lambs, hogs, farm chickens, honey, farm raised fish, and wool are also produced in West Virginia.
West Virginia is often considered one of the more scenic states in the nation, and several of the most beloved sights in the Mountain State center around its natural beauty. But West Virginia is also known for its Civil War history, grand resorts and architectural feats, so set out and explore.
West Virginia is the only state in the Union to have acquired its sovereignty by proclamation of the President of the United States.West Virginia is considered the southern most northern state and the northern most southern state.Mother's Day was first observed at Andrews Church in Grafton on May 10, 1908.More items...
Secession was the hope of some western Virginians as early as 1829-secession from Virginia. Westerners felt underrepresented in Virginia's legislature, overtaxed, and shortchanged in state spending. ... Following the Richmond vote to secede from the Union, leaders in twenty-seven counties organized to remain.