Different drugs have different effects on your body. ... Illegal drugs can cause things like hallucinations (seeing strange things), sickness, depression, liver and kidney problems and fits. Some illegal drugs can kill the first time the person takes them. Taking too much of any drug is called an overdose.
Iron is an important component of hemoglobin, the substance in red blood cells that carries oxygen from your lungs to transport it throughout your body. ... If you don't have enough iron, your body can't make enough healthy oxygen-carrying red blood cells. A lack of red blood cells is called iron deficiency anemia.
In this article. Ebola is a rare but deadly virus that causes fever, body aches, and diarrhea, and sometimes bleeding inside and outside the body. As the virus spreads through the body, it damages the immune system and organs. Ultimately, it causes levels of blood-clotting cells to drop.Oct 1, 2016
How to Avoid Colds and the Flu. Here in the United States, winter is prime time for illness. ... Get a Flu Shot. ... Wash Your Hands. ... Avoid Touching Your Eyes or Nose. ... Stay Hydrated. ... Get Enough Sleep. ... Avoid Airplane Infections. ... Stay Away From People Fighting a Cold.More items...
Follow these five simple steps to begin re-balancing your gut flora:Eat a fiber–rich, whole foods diet—it should be rich in beans, nuts, seeds, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, all of which feed good bugs.Limit sugar, processed foods, animal fats, and animal protein—these provide food for unhealthy bugs.More items...
If the egg is not fertilized, it will break apart. Then, hormone levels drop, and the thickened lining of the uterus is shed during the menstrual period. ... This occurs after hormone levels drop at the end of the previous cycle, signaling blood and tissues lining the uterus (womb) to break down and shed from the body.
Lead stays in the body for different periods of time, depending on where it is. Half of the lead in the blood will be excreted in 25 days (this is called the "half-life"). In soft tissues, it takes 40 days for half of the lead to be excreted. In bones and teeth it takes much longer, up to 10 years or longer.May 26, 2001
White rice is about 90 percent carbohydrate, 8 percent protein and 2 percent fat, according to the book “Contemporary Nutrition: Functional Approach.” White rice is a good source of magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, selenium, iron, folic acid, thiamine and niacin.
Now, when we have fever the body temperature is raised. ... The enzymes activity will be changed or affected because they cannot function well at higher temperatures, as the reason why people die of high fevers because the enzymes will be denatured and their body functions are not able to stay normal.