Samsung unveiled the Galaxy S9 and the Galaxy S9 Plus at Mobile World Congress at the end of February, and both feature a beautiful edge-to-edge design, a revamped camera, and the latest and greatest Qualcomm processor.
Geekbench benchmarking results have been spotted showing the Samsung Galaxy S9 running Android 8.1 Oreo, indicating that an updated version of the handset's software is in the testing stage and will likely be rolled out in the not-too-distant future.
Google Pixel 2 Discover a better way to capture, store, and see the world. Pixel 2 features a smart camera that takes beautiful photos in any light, a fast-charging battery and the Google Assistant built-in.
With the world's first Kirin 970 AI processor, the HUAWEI Mate 10 Pro becomes quick, intelligent and adaptive, able to understand and respond to real-world situations instantaneously.
Samsung basically hit the ground running in 2017 and it looks as if the company will maintain this pace throughout the back end of the year, with the launch and imminent release of the Galaxy Note 8, a phone that packs in the largest display of any phone on the market right now.
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