Top Ten Early Pregnancy Signs

Prickling, Tingling Nipples
Prickling, Tingling Nipples

Prickling, tingling nipples As pregnancy hormones increase the blood supply to your breasts, you may feel a tingling sensation around your nipples (Blackburn 2013, Murray and Hassall 2014). This can be one of the earliest symptoms of pregnancy, and is sometimes noticeable within a week or so of conception.

Spotting and Cramping
Spotting and Cramping

Vaginal Bleeding What it may mean: "Some spotting is normal, but heavy bleeding could be a sign of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy," says Natali Aziz, MD. She is a maternal-fetal medicine specialist at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital in Palo Alto, Calif.

source: webmd.com
Feeling Sick
Feeling Sick

Almost all cases of hypertension within the first 20 weeks indicate underlying problems. It may develop during early pregnancy, but it may also be present beforehand. Your doctor will take your blood pressure during your first visit to help establish a baseline for a normal blood pressure reading.

Tender, Swollen Breasts
Tender, Swollen Breasts

Swollen or tender breasts: The third most frequently cited symptom of pregnancy is changes in the breasts. These changes are usually indicated by swelling or tenderness. Changes to the breasts can start as early as 1 to 2 weeks after conception.


Fatigue or Tiredness: Following conception, as early as the first week after, many women cite feeling tired as a sign of pregnancy. This fatigue is commonly experienced by those who are expecting and is recognized as a typical symptom of pregnancy.

Needing to wee Frequently
Needing to wee Frequently

Always wondered how frequent frequent urination is. When I had DD (about a million years ago) I remember peeing a lot later in the first trimester but I dont remember early on.

Darker Nipples
Darker Nipples

If you’ve noticed that your areolas (the area around your nipples) have become darker or larger, you may be witnessing one of the first signs of pregnancy. This can happen as early as a week or two after conception.

source: thebump.com
image: docsity.com
Food Cravings and Altered Sense of Smell
Food Cravings and Altered Sense of Smell

So food cravings are probably all in your head, a product of pregnancy hormones. Hormonal shifts during pregnancy intensify sense of smell (which heavily influences taste) and are powerful enough to affect food choices.

source: webmd.com
Food Aversions
Food Aversions

3. Food Aversions. To newly pregnant women, it’s not that hard to suddenly switch cuisine preferences, ranging from all kinds of smells, appearances and tastes of food. This occurs due to the overproduction of estrogen, which causes a hormonal imbalance in the system.

Mood Swings
Mood Swings

Mood swings are a common symptom associated with the early stages of pregnancy, along with morning sickness. Being aware of the link between mood swings and pregnancy, as well as other signs, can help women to more easily recognize the situation earlier and handle the symptoms.

Abdominal Bloating
Abdominal Bloating

Bloating; Raised temperature; Bleeding; Before you even pass that pregnancy test and know for sure that you've got a baby on board, you may get a heads-up in the form of these early pregnancy symptoms. Many will be similar to the yucky feeling you get right before your period, so it may be hard to tell the difference.

Frequent Urination
Frequent Urination

Frequent urination and incontinence during early pregnancy During pregnancy, your body increase the amount of blood it pumps. This causes the kidney to process more fluid than usual, which leads to more fluid in your bladder.

Sore Breasts
Sore Breasts

Pregnancy symptoms differ from woman to woman and pregnancy to pregnancy; however, one of the most significant pregnancy symptoms is a delayed or missed period. Understanding the signs of pregnancy is important because each symptom may have causes other than pregnancy.

Light Bleeding or Spotting
Light Bleeding or Spotting

Implantation Bleeding – Top 5 Signs Indicating Early Pregnancy! By Margaret Scott 0 Comments. Tweet; Pin It; Implantation bleeding during the first trimester is a normal physiological process. It`s important to know its characteristic features in order to confirm pregnancy as early as possible. For our part, we propose to take advantage of the earliest pregnancy test Utilax that will show ...


Hormonal changes during early pregnancy can cause you to feel bloated, similar to how you might feel at the start of a menstrual period. Light spotting. Sometimes a small amount of light spotting is one of the first signs of pregnancy.

image: dk.com