Big Muff Pi Distortion/Sustainer The NYC original. Hendrix and Santana were among the first to get a piece of the Pi, and for over 40 years the Big Muff Pi has been defining the sound of rock guitar. ZVEX makes effects pedals and amps for guitar and bass and we've been at it since 1995. Our line is a unique blend of no-rules engineering and artistic whim, from our affordable Vexter series to our hand painted and custom designed items.
Hoof™ Hybrid Fuzz. What to say about the Hoof that hasn’t already been said? Our flagship fuzz pedal can be found on thousands on pedaboards around the world and has rocked countless stages from stinky suburban basements to Madison Square Garden. Twice.
Comments about Fender Blender Custom Octave/Fuzz Pedal: This is such a strange effect. The blend knob will play notes either an octave up or an octave down seemingly randomly, the sustain knob is actually a measure of feedback, not sustain at all, and the tone boost absolutely kills your tone.
Only at Sweetwater! 0% Financing and FREE Shipping for your Dunlop JDF2 Classic Fuzz Face Pedal!
NEW for 2016: The Black Cat Super Fuzz now has top-mounted jacks (more pedalboard friendly) and a new look. The Black Cat Super Fuzz is a modern recreation of the original Univox Super Fuzz pedal that was made in Japan by Shin-ei in the seventies.
By all standards, Catalinbread Karma Suture Harmonic Fuzz is a hybrid fuzz pedal. Controls. Aside from making awesome boutique effects pedals, Catalinbread is also known for naming their control knobs in ways that leave you wondering what they meant. Seeing some normal designations on this fuzz box came as a refreshing surprise.
Comments about Way Huge Electronics WHE401 Swollen Pickle mkII Jumbo Fuzz Guitar Effects Pedal: I compared this to the Zvex Mastotron, which my buddy has. The Mastotron has a more distinctive and richer fuzz tone, which I think is better.