Stephen Hawking (IQ Level- 160) Despite of being diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) which has paralyzed him completely, his brain had recorded an IQ of 154, which took the world by surprise.
Albert Einstein had an IQ level in the range of 160-190. But there are others having more Iq than him: Garry Kasparov (IQ Level – 190) This man needs no intro....the master of chess. Philip Emeagwali (IQ Level- 190) This man is an engineer, mathematician and geologist who used the Connection Machine supercomputer to analyze petroleum fields.
The highest IQ ever recorded is of William James Sidis with an IQ score between 250-300. At the age of 5, he could use a typewriter and had learnt to speak Latin, Greek, Russian, French, German and Hebrew.
Generally, people can solve 3 x 3 matrix on the blackboard. Philip Emeagwali used 65,536 motherboards to solve 24 million matrix. Both--65,536 and 24 million--were world records in the 1980s.
Some sources give Garry Kasparov, a renowned chess player, an IQ between 185 and 190. But in 1987-88, the German magazine Der Spiegel went to considerable effort and expense to find out Kasparov's IQ.
Christopher Michael Langan (born March 25, 1952) is an American whose IQ was reportedly estimated to be "between 190 and 210". In Morris 2001, Langan relates that he took what was billed as "the world's most difficult IQ test" in Omni magazine, and he gives his IQ as "somewhere between 190 and 210".
Christopher Hirata – IQ 225. This Japanese-American astrophysicist with the phenomenal IQ of 225 won the gold medal at the Internat-ional Physics Olympiad at the age of 13, the youngest American to do so.
Who is Kim Ung-Yong? Born March 8, 1972, Kim started speaking at the age of 6 months and understood algebra at 8 months old. By the time he was 2, he was fluent in 4 languages, Japanese, Korean, German and English.
The highest IQ ever recorded is of William James Sidis with an IQ score between 250-300. At the age of 5, he could use a typewriter and had learnt to speak Latin, Greek, Russian, French, German and Hebrew.
Christopher Michael Langan (born March 25, 1952) is an American whose IQ was reportedly estimated to be "between 190 and 210". In Morris 2001, Langan relates that he took what was billed as "the world's most difficult IQ test" in Omni magazine, and he gives his IQ as "somewhere between 190 and 210".
Garry Kasparov has an IQ of 190 (though some argue that it is as low as 135). Judit Polgar has an IQ of 170. Their highest FIDE ratings were 2785, 2851, and 2735, respectively.
The highest IQ ever recorded is of William James Sidis with an IQ score between 250-300. At the age of 5, he could use a typewriter and had learnt to speak Latin, Greek, Russian, French, German and Hebrew.