Top Ten Life Stressors

Marital Separation: 65
Marital Separation: 65

41 major life stressors Check to see how many of these life stressors you have experienced in the last year and find out just how high your ... Marital separation: 65:

source: health24.com
Imprisonment: 63
Imprisonment: 63

Check to see how many of these life stressors you have experienced in the last year and find out just how high your ... 41 major life stressors ... Imprisonment: 63:

source: health24.com
image: mcall.com
Death of a Close Family Member: 63
Death of a Close Family Member: 63

Check to see how many of these life stressors you have experienced in the last year and find out ... 41 major life stressors ... 63: Death of a close family member: 63:

source: health24.com
Personal Injury or Illness: 53
Personal Injury or Illness: 53

41 major life stressors Check to see how many of these life stressors you have experienced in the last year and find out just ... Personal injury or illness: 53:

source: health24.com
Marriage: 50
Marriage: 50

Marriage: 50; Dismissal from work: 47; Marital reconciliation: 45; Retirement: 45 *Note: Death of a child was not originally defined in the original Holmes and Rahe scale, but due to its catastrophic effects on an individual, we have since added it to our list on Pain Doctor.

Dismissal From Work: 47
Dismissal From Work: 47

41 major life stressors Check to see how many of these life stressors you have experienced in the last year and find out just ... Dismissal from work: 47: Marital ...

source: health24.com
Marital Reconciliation: 45
Marital Reconciliation: 45

It lists life events in order of the stress levels they cause. Below is the scale. Check to see how many of these stresses you have experienced in the last year, and see how high your risk is of becoming ill. The more of these stressors you have experienced, the bigger your risk. Also check out the stress management tips at the end of this article.

source: health24.com
Retirement: 45
Retirement: 45

Five top stressors in retirement and how to cope Nanci Hellmich, USA TODAY Published 12:59 p.m. ET May 27, 2014 | Updated 5:20 p.m. ET Aug. 21, 2014 Stress in retirement is linked to a couple of key factors — health and financial status.

source: usatoday.com
Death of a Loved one
Death of a Loved one

The death of a loved one: The death of a loved one, particularly someone close, like a spouse, can be a tremendous blow and a devastating event that takes a long time to come to terms with. It's easy to see why this is considered a major stress as it can have a direct impact on almost every area of your life.


I think it’s fair to say that divorce is a stressful event in one’s life. For some, it is the most stressful event they will ever experience. Dozens of studies show that stress compromises the immune system. Therefore, it stands to reason that divorce puts anyone dissolving a marriage at some risk of disease.

Job Loss
Job Loss

Losing a job is one of life’s most stressful experiences. It’s normal to feel angry, hurt, or depressed, grieve at all that you’ve lost, or feel anxious about what the future holds. Job loss and unemployment involves a lot of change all at once, which can rock your sense of purpose and self-esteem.

source: helpguide.org
Increase in Financial Obligations
Increase in Financial Obligations

Divorce- All the aspects of a divorce, from personal to financial to loss of family and friends, contribute to these forms of stress. 4. Finances- Although this is easily understood as a stress factor, bankruptcy and mortgage foreclosures seem to increase the human stress levels even more.

source: hccua.org
Getting Married
Getting Married

Most people think about being engaged and getting married as a happy time, a time in which they finally get to settle down and be secure that they have found someone to love them. And in many ways it is, but there are aspects of the engagement stage leading to the wedding that make it stressful.

Moving to a new Home
Moving to a new Home

Studies looking specifically at the stress of moving house are few and far between. Most look at migration, where there are all sorts of extra factors involved. There is a British study where 75% of people questioned said relocating for their job was somewhat, quite or very stressful.

source: bbc.com
Chronic Illness or Injury
Chronic Illness or Injury

Personal injury or illness: 53; ... Other support groups for various life stressors (e.g., divorce, family illness, ... I was surprised not to see chronic illness or ...

Emotional Problems (Depression, Anxiety, Anger, Grief, Guilt, low Self-Esteem)
Emotional Problems (Depression, Anxiety, Anger, Grief, Guilt, low Self-Esteem)

Whatever it ends up being called, the addition of a mood state other than sadness being key in the diagnosis of depression in some cases is a positive step forward in helping those with this type of depression gain better access to treatment.


Studies looking specifically at the stress of moving house are few and far between. Most look at migration, where there are all sorts of extra factors involved. There is a British study where 75% of people questioned said relocating for their job was somewhat, quite or very stressful.

source: bbc.com
Major Illness or Injury
Major Illness or Injury

Check to see how many of these life stressors you have experienced in the last year and find out just ... 41 major life stressors ... Personal injury or illness: 53:

source: health24.com
Major Illness
Major Illness

Stress, whether it is a minor event like dropping a glass or a major stressful life event such as a death in the family, triggers a physical response that allows us to react quickly and decisively. In theory, once we remove the stressor, our bodies return to a neutral state.