Master of Business Administration (MBA), Mechanical Engineering (ME) Degree - Salary - Get a free salary comparison based on job title, skills, experience and education.
Piping design is almost 99% technical job, you need have good IQ, imagination, knowledge and willingness to learn, to become a successful piping engineer. If you love design, then you need to acquire piping design skills after you complete your Mechanical engineering degree.
Mechanical engineering technicians help mechanical engineers design, develop, test, and manufacture mechanical devices, including tools, engines, and machines. They may make sketches and rough layouts, record and analyze data, make calculations and estimates, and report their findings.
Often electrical engineering courses will also provide specializations in robotics or automation, which will be centered around the control of robots rather than the mechanical design. "The Brain" - Computer Science - A lot of people in research seem to enter robotics through computer science.
Mechatronics is a combination of Mechanical Engineering with Electronics, Electrical, Industrial Automation, and Robotics. As we all know that when it comes a new product or new technology which is always a combination of more than one engineering concept.
A nanotechnology engineer is someone who works around the smallest, most amazing fragments of science. From storing and altering things on the cellular level, to creating new, tiny pieces of electronics, nanotechnology engineers are the cream of the crop, possessing an acute attention to detail and a strong drive to make things better.