Top Ten Metabolism Boosters

Hot Peppers
Hot Peppers

Hot peppers, or chilis, get their heat from an oily chemical compound called capsaicin, found primarily in the membrane surrounding the seeds. Capsaicin boosts thermogenesis -- the process by which the body turns calories into heat to use for fuel -- in studies on humans and animals.

Whole Grains: Oatmeal and Brown Rice
Whole Grains: Oatmeal and Brown Rice

While whole grains contain the whole-grain kernel and include brown rice, oatmeal, and whole-wheat flour, refined grains are starches that are processed and milled to remove the bran and germ to prolong their shelf life. Examples of refined grains include white rice, white bread, and white flour.


While it’s not exactly a food, it is a metabolism booster. A German study found that drinking water speeds up fat burning. It is also a natural appetite suppressant and detoxifier. Other Ways to Boost Your Metabolism. There are a couple of other ways to maximize your metabolism. Avoid energy drinks, soft drinks, and processed foods.


Our healthy metabolism-boosting soup recipes all include chile to boost calorie burn. Studies show that capsaicin a compound in chiles revs up the body’s metabolism and may boost fat burning. Try one of our spicy, low-calorie soup recipes for dinner tonight.

Green tea
Green tea

Green Tea Boosts Metabolism, Protects Against Diseases From the WebMD Archives Nov. 28, 1999 (Atlanta) -- Unlike the American hot beverage of choice, green tea isn't available on every street corner in every city.

source: webmd.com
Apples and Pears
Apples and Pears

6. Apples and Pears. Studies show that these two fruits help boost metabolism and speed up weight loss. Research performed by the State University of Rio de Janeiro found that women eating three small apples or pears daily lost more weight than women who did not.


Boost your metabolism with ginger. Ginger is a spice found in many forms — pickled with your sushi, in some brands of ginger ale, in the form of candy, dried for addition to dishes, and added to tea and smoothies. It’s been used for centuries in many cultures to help calm digestion and for numerous other ailments.

source: dummies.com
Citrus Fruits
Citrus Fruits

Eating citrus fruits such as grapefruit, oranges, tangerines, tangelos, and even adding fresh lemon juice to water is a great way to boost your metabolism. Try adding a serving or two of citrus fruits to your diet to help reduce your weight.


Caffeine can also raise metabolism. 4 Additionally, caffeine ingestion prior to exercise is shown over and over again to increase performance. Before using caffeine for this purpose, it is a good idea to weigh the benefits against the possible adverse reactions, like jitteriness, elevated heart rate and blood pressure, and possible insomnia.

source: builtlean.com

Capsaicin and Its Effects. Capsaicin is the source from which hot peppers get their heat. It is found in jalapenos, habaneros, cayenne, and most other chili peppers as a colorless compound. Along with its slimming effects, capsaicin is shown to work as a blood thinner, helping to prevent blood clots.

source: fitday.com
image: cnn.com

L-Carnitine is a weight loss supplement & lipotropic injections that can increase your energy, boost your immunity, help you burn fat & boost your metabolism. L-Carnitine is a weight loss supplement & lipotropic injections that can increase your energy, boost your immunity, help you burn fat & boost your metabolism.

Chromium Picolinate
Chromium Picolinate

With regard to chromium picolinate specifically, studies have investigated whether it will reduce body fat and increase lean muscle mass, but the research is inconclusive. One review of 24 studies found no significant benefits.

image: ebay.com
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

CLA is a naturally occurring fatty acid found in meat and dairy products. It is also a popular dietary supplement that is sold with claims of helping people lose fat, maintain weight loss, retain lean muscle mass, and control type 2 diabetes-- the type of diabetes that is often associated with obesity.

source: webmd.com

Despite the hype, supplements that are promoted as fat busters and metabolism boosters rarely have a significant effect on weight loss. If you want to shed excess pounds, cutting calories from your diet and exercising more regularly are probably your best bets.

image: ebay.com
Eat Plenty of Protein at Every Meal
Eat Plenty of Protein at Every Meal

Eating protein has also been shown to help you feel more full and prevent you from overeating (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8). One small study found that people were likely to eat around 441 fewer calories per day when protein made up 30% of their diet . Eating more protein can also reduce the drop in metabolism often associated with losing fat.

Drink More Cold Water
Drink More Cold Water

If you drink a half-liter of ice water per day, that amounts to burning 100 calories. Which may sound significant, but the reality is that drinking water, whatever its temperature, will help ratchet up your metabolism, stave off overeating, and save calories over soda and other sugary drinks.

source: eatthis.com
Do a High-Intensity Workout
Do a High-Intensity Workout

High-intensity interval training, also called HIIT workouts, boost your metabolism and burn more fat than conventional cardio. Learn how. High-intensity interval training, also called HIIT workouts, boost your metabolism and burn more fat than conventional cardio.

source: draxe.com
Lift Heavy Things
Lift Heavy Things

Metabolism is the term for all the chemical reactions in your body. These chemical reactions keep your body alive and functioning. However, the word metabolism is often used interchangeably with metabolic rate, or the amount of calories you burn. The higher it is, the more calories you burn and the easier it is to lose weight and keep it off.

image: thelist.com
Stand up More
Stand up More

Metabolism is the term for all the chemical reactions in your body. These chemical reactions keep your body alive and functioning. However, the word metabolism is often used interchangeably with metabolic rate, or the amount of calories you burn. The higher it is, the more calories you burn and the easier it is to lose weight and keep it off.

Drink Green Tea or Oolong Tea
Drink Green Tea or Oolong Tea

Drink This: Bigelow, Stash. This antioxidant-rich traditional Chinese drink not only helps keep cholesterol levels in check and aids digestion, it can also help rev up your metabolism. Like green tea, oolong is also packed with catechins, which boost weight loss efforts by improving the body’s ability to metabolise fat.

source: eatthis.com
Eat Spicy Foods
Eat Spicy Foods

The study concluded that spicy foods may work as a mild appetite suppressant. Though the effects of spicy food on metabolism are not fully known, there are definitely some promising health effects, including lowered incidence of certain cancers, in places where people eat primarily spicy foods.

source: fitday.com
Get a Good Night's Sleep
Get a Good Night's Sleep

Evening: Get a Good Night's Sleep If you're not already getting the recommended seven to eight hours of sleep each night, be sure to follow these tips for getting quality zzz's, since multiple studies have linked weight gain to a lack of quality sleep.

source: popsugar.com

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