Let petMD help you discover the best dogs for kids. You can choose good family dogs based on three major factors: Temperament – This is the dog’s personality. You should be looking for an agreeable temperament. For instance, a calmer dog has the ability to form strong bonds and be a great companion for your kids.
Starter Pets for Kids: Terrarium pets like turtles, lizards & hermit crabs 2. Rodents Are Good Starter Pets Small rodents like hamsters, gerbils and guinea pigs make wonderful starter pets that children can still stroke and snuggle up to, to a certain extent, without it being a cat or a dog.
Rabbits are typically viewed as the perfect pet for a child – cute, fluffy, low-maintenance. All you need is a cage, some sawdust, and some brightly colored rabbit-mix, and our children will be entertained for hours!
Guinea pigs are great pets for children. Not as fragile as rabbits and generally less skittish than smaller rodents like hamsters and gerbils, guinea pigs are wonderful pets for elementary-school-age kids and older.
In fact, turtles make terrific pets for children, according to Pet University. Still, there are a number of important things to consider before purchasing a pet turtle for your child. Size. Size matters when it comes to selecting a pet turtle for a kid. Small turtles may be cute and child-sized for little hands, but they are likely to carry the dangerous salmonella bacteria, according to the FDA.
Keep in mind when buying a pet bird for a child, they tend to be best for older children who are willing to research. Also, as the parent, you'll have to take on some of the responsibility yourself. Always monitor the child with the bird, and be willing to take care of the bird if your child can't.
Reptiles are more exotic than other pets, which is a large part of their appeal. This is also the reason many television nature shows on Animal Planet and Discovery Channel focus on reptiles. Nature shows are often children’s first exposure to reptiles and can provide the motivation for their wanting to own some.
My daughter has wanted a pet since she was just a toddler. We're now ready to let her get one, but the rules are that she has to take care of it herself. Is a hamster a good beginner pet for a kid?
Children Love Fish as Pets I still remember getting my first one. It was an angel fish that I had traded in with my local pet store owner for two small hamsters.