Types of Apocalypse

Alien Invasion
Alien Invasion

Alien apocalypse vs. zombie apocalypse: Which could you survive? Geekend contributor Nicole Bremer Nash ponders whether an alien apocalypse or a zombie apocalypse is more likely and whether humans are prepared for either.

Apes Conquering the Planet
Apes Conquering the Planet

You can have Solar Apocalypses, Robotic/Alien Apocalypses, Non-human revolution apocalypses (eg planet of the apes), Pollution Apocalypses (eg world is too dangerous to live in) and many more 19 Views

source: quora.com
Certain People Die Or Vanish
Certain People Die Or Vanish

3. Certain People Die Or Vanish. Either a certain percentage of the population vanishes (Left Behind, The Leftovers) or one certain type of person dies, leaving everybody else unscathed (Y: The Last Man). Sometimes, this is a plague apocalypse, but often it's just unexplained or the explanation is murky.

image: io9.com
Cloned Dinosaurs
Cloned Dinosaurs

You name a science fiction variety of apocalypse in your question, ... what other types of apocalypses are there? ... Cloned dinosaurs ;

source: quora.com
image: 1zoom.me
Divine Judgment
Divine Judgment

The Divine judgment is manifested and fulfilled at the beginning, during the progress, and at the end of time. In the beginning, God pronounced judgment upon the whole race, as a consequence of the fall of its representatives, the first parents (Gen., iii).

source: catholic.com
image: blog.spu.edu
Humanity Abandons Earth
Humanity Abandons Earth

The Apocalypse rules pop culture. Half the biggest literary novels these days are apocalyptic, and meanwhile The Walking Dead is a huge hit. Post-apocalyptic stories are what space opera was in the Space Age. But what are they about? Here are 10 types of apocalypses, and what they each signify.

Humans all Turned Into Batteries
Humans all Turned Into Batteries

You name a science fiction variety of apocalypse in your question, ... what other types of apocalypses are there? ... Humans all turned into batteries ;

source: quora.com
Nuclear Holocaust
Nuclear Holocaust

A nuclear holocaust or nuclear apocalypse is a theoretical scenario involving widespread destruction and radioactive fallout causing the collapse of civilization, through the use of nuclear weapons. Under such a scenario, some of the Earth is made uninhabitable by nuclear warfare in future world wars.


Hagee claims that Zechariah foresaw these future plagues when he wrote, "And this shall be the plague...their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, and their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths" (Zech. 14:12-15).

image: twitter.com
Rise of Mutants
Rise of Mutants

It is later revealed in the origin story Rise of Apocalypse that he is possibly the first mutant (meaning, in this case, a human being born with the X-gene), born 5,000 years ago.

image: ew.com
Robot Uprising
Robot Uprising

An AI takeover is a hypothetical scenario in ... with computers or robots effectively taking control of the planet ... and the popular notion of a robot uprising.

image: hwz.asia
Slow Apocalypse
Slow Apocalypse

Slow Apocalypse (2012) is a Near Future novel of Disaster, exploring the global consequences of a Genetically Engineered virus developed by a traumatized Scientist in the wake of 9/11 with the intention of ending US dependence on Middle East oil that feeds on and solidifies petroleum.

source: goodreads.com
Technology Fails
Technology Fails

Technology drives just about everything we do, and not just at our jobs. From banks to hospitals to the systems that keep the juice flowing to our homes, we are almost entirely dependent on tech. More and more of these systems are interconnected, and many of them are vulnerable.

source: infoworld.com
image: memes.com
Technology Singularity
Technology Singularity

While the technological singularity is usually seen as a sudden event, some scholars argue the current speed of change already fits this description. [citation needed] In addition, some argue that we are already in the midst of a major evolutionary transition that merges technology, biology, and society.

Time Traveling Robot Infested Future
Time Traveling Robot Infested Future

You name a science fiction variety of apocalypse in your question, ... what other types of apocalypses are there? ... Time traveling robot infested future ;

source: quora.com

A zombie apocalypse is a particular scenario within apocalyptic fiction. In a zombie apocalypse, a widespread rise of zombies hostile to human life engages in a general assault on civilization.

image: proprofs.com