Types of Aptitude Test

Achievement Tests
Achievement Tests

Aptitude or ... Intelligence tests are aimed at assessing a ... The California High School Exit Examination is an example of an achievement test.

Aptitude Tests
Aptitude Tests

Multiple aptitude tests are designed to measure two or more different abilities. In some cases, such tests may even resemble intelligence tests in terms of their focus and scope. The Scholastic Assessment Test (or SAT) that high-school students take during their senior year is a good example of a multiple aptitude test.

Attitude Tests
Attitude Tests

Multiple aptitude tests are designed to measure two or more different abilities. In some cases, such tests may even resemble intelligence tests in terms of their focus and scope. The Scholastic Assessment Test (or SAT) that high-school students take during their senior year is a good example of a multiple aptitude test.

Brain Teaser Questions
Brain Teaser Questions

Brain teaser questions are incorporated into the interview process at many leading organisations, usually for positions where candidates need to have an aptitude for solving technical issues or complex problems.

source: wikijob.co.uk
Cognitive Ability Tests
Cognitive Ability Tests

Cognitive Ability Test Cognitive ability tests are a form of psychometric assessment designed to measure general intelligence. The tests are widely used by organisations as part of the recruitment process in order to assess a candidate’s competence and suitability for the role, and to predict future performance.

source: wikijob.co.uk
Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking The critical reasoning test measures ability to critically and logically evaluate and analyze information. It is similar to the verbal comprehension test in terms of being able to read and understand a passage, and afterwards answer questions based solely on the information given in the passage.

image: yumpu.com
Diagrammatic Tests
Diagrammatic Tests

Diagrammatic Reasoning Tests These diagrammatic reasoning tests (also known as inductive reasoning tests or abstract reasoning tests) have been professionally written by ex-KENEXA and ex-SHL chartered occupational psychologists with years of experience in developing psychometric tests assessing candidates for graduate & professional jobs.

Direct Observation Tests
Direct Observation Tests

cognitive ability tests, individual intelligence tests, neuropsychological assessments, special aptitude tests, and multiple aptitude tests. cognitive ability tests true/false or multiple choice responses to measure the cognitive skills necessary to be successful in school. given in groups, frequently used to determine a student's overall potential in school. ex. ACT, SAT.

source: quizlet.com
GTIOS Psychometric Test
GTIOS Psychometric Test

GTIOS psychometric test The GTI Online Solutions (GTIOS) psychometric test is used in the online application process of a large number of city firms. The tests deployed are a product of specialist companies including SHL and Kenexa amongst others.

source: wikijob.co.uk
Inductive Reasoning Tests
Inductive Reasoning Tests

Inductive Reasoning Test: Practice, Examples, and Tips Practice Inductive Reasoning tests as they appear on employers' assessments. Gain immediate access to the largest database of inductive reasoning practice questions, with tailored packs and free examples.

Intelligence or General Mental Ability Tests
Intelligence or General Mental Ability Tests

Intelligence is a general mental capability that involves the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend ideas and language, and learn. Intellectual ability involves comprehension; understanding, and learning from experience.

Intelligence Tests
Intelligence Tests

Multiple aptitude tests are designed to measure two or more different abilities. In some cases, such tests may even resemble intelligence tests in terms of their focus and scope. The Scholastic Assessment Test (or SAT) that high-school students take during their senior year is a good example of a multiple aptitude test.

Intray Exercises
Intray Exercises

In-tray exercises can be used for numerous jobs and their use is often justified for positions that require ‘Planning and Organising’. The term ‘in-tray’ refers to the traditional use of a tray on an individual’s desk where information that had ‘just come in’ would be placed for attention.

Mechanical Reasoning Ability Tests
Mechanical Reasoning Ability Tests

Mechanical aptitude tests, or mechanical reasoning tests, are commonly administered for technical and engineering positions. The mechanical aptitude test measures your ability to understand and apply mechanical concepts and principles to solve problems.

Mechanical Reasoning Test
Mechanical Reasoning Test

What to expect in your mechanical reasoning test Mechanical aptitude tests, or mechanical reasoning tests, are commonly administered for technical and engineering positions. The mechanical aptitude test measures your ability to understand and apply mechanical concepts and principles to solve problems.

image: quazoo.com
Neuropsychological Tests
Neuropsychological Tests

If you have Parkinson's, you might get a neuropsychological test soon after diagnosis. Results from future tests can then be compared with that first test to see how the disease is changing your thinking skills.

source: webmd.com
Numerical Reasoning & Analysis Ability Tests
Numerical Reasoning & Analysis Ability Tests

Trial numerical reasoning tests online, designed by top psychometric specialists. Practice all tests for free, plus tips, advice and scientific insight.

image: asystems.as
Perceptual Speed
Perceptual Speed

Speed and Accuracy Differential Aptitude tests Perceptual Speed and Accuracy (PS&A) measures your quickness and accuracy in performing your jobs. And you know it is impossible to succeed with office working without making and implementing right decisions quickly.

Personality Tests
Personality Tests

Try a Career Personality & Aptitude Test. This tool is designed to assess your interests, values, and preferences surrounding your career. It will offer you an interesting look at yourself, providing information about what motivates and interests you.

Situational Judgement Tests
Situational Judgement Tests

Situational Judgement Tests (SJT’s) assess how you approach situations encountered in the workplace. Whilst there is some variation in how they are delivered, they typically present you with a written description of a scenario and ask you to select the appropriate response from a multiple choice list.

Spatial Reasoning Ability Tests
Spatial Reasoning Ability Tests

Test your spatial reasoning ability with this free online spatial reasoning test. ... This aptitude test is one of the many free tests in the IQ test training.

source: 123test.com
Verbal Comprehension Ability Tests
Verbal Comprehension Ability Tests

Verbal Comprehension Test. The Verbal Comprehension test assesses a person's ability to understand, analyze and interpret written information. Verbal Comprehension questions are often a part of verbal aptitude or verbal reasoning tests. These questions are of similar nature to the questions used by employers during employee selection.

Verbal Reasoning Ability Tests
Verbal Reasoning Ability Tests

A verbal reasoning test is a form of aptitude test used by interviewers to find out how well a candidate can assess verbal logic, and how successfully they can extract the correct meaning from complex written information.

source: wikijob.co.uk
image: yumpu.com
Verbal Reasoning Tests
Verbal Reasoning Tests

Verbal reasoning tests assess your understanding and comprehension skills. You will be presented with a short passage of text and will need to answer a True, False or Cannot Say response to each statement.

image: youtube.com
Vocational Tests
Vocational Tests

Confused about career choices? Get career help and information with the Career Personality & Aptitude test (based on Holland codes for career interests, multiple intelligence types, work styles etc). Get career help and information with the Career Personality & Aptitude test (based on Holland codes for career interests, multiple intelligence types, work styles etc).

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