Airheads candy has been a favorite among kids and adults alike since its start in 1986. With a variety of intense fruity flavors and soft chew, Airheads is a taffy unlike any other.
Famous Hollywood-types take a spoonful of crushed diamonds once a day for vitality. For the rest of us, it’s almond bits! And delicious almond bits can be found in every bite of Bit-O-Honey.
Boston Baked Beans An assortment of crockery that beans are baked in, including a souvenir-style Boston Baked Beans beanpot Boston baked beans are a variety of baked beans, typically sweetened with molasses or maple syrup, and flavored with salt pork or bacon.
This gum is the only gum that says on it 'while chewing trident which contains XYLITOL and helps fight cavities. This is the only gum I trust. It is the best gum you could ever chew.
Candy cigarettes are a candy introduced in the early 20th century made out of chalky sugar, bubblegum or chocolate, wrapped in paper and packaged and branded so as to resemble cigarettes. Some products contain powdered sugar hidden in the wrapper, allowing the user to blow on the cigarette and produce "smoke" on the other end.
Caramel sauce. Caramel sauce is made by mixing caramelized sugar with Cream. Depending on the intended application, additional ingredients such as butter, fruit purees, liquors or vanilla are often used. Caramel sauce is used in a variety of desserts, though most notably as a topping for ice cream.
Fun Dip is a candy manufactured by The Willy Wonka Candy Company, a brand owned by Nestlé. The candy has been on the market in the United States and Canada since the 1940s and was originally called Lik-M-Aid.
Gobstoppers or jawbreakers are a type of hard candy. They are usually round, and normally range from about 1 – 3 cm across; though gobstoppers can be up to 8 cm in diameter. The term gobstopper derives from 'gob', which is slang in United Kingdom and Ireland for mouth.
Ring-shaped gummi candy is often covered in sugar or sour powder. The most common and popular flavor is the peach ring. Other flavors include green apple, melon, blue raspberry, strawberry, and aniseed - although these are typically coated in chocolate.
Laffy Taffy is a brand of taffy manufactured by Nestlé and sold under their Willy Wonka Candy Company brand. Laffy Taffy is a brand of candy first produced in the 1970s as "Beich's (Name of Flavor) Caramels", though in fact, they were fruit-flavored taffy squares.
Lemonhead Candy Lemonhead is an American brand of candy, first introduced in 1962, produced by the Ferrara Candy Company. Lemonheads are a round, lemon-flavored candy consisting of a sweet coating, soft sour shell, and a hard candy core.
By 1985, Nerds were recognized as "Candy of the Year" by the National Candy Wholesalers Association (NCWA). The United Kingdom sold a three-box chambered package of Nerds, with strawberry cola as one of the flavors.
Pop Rocks are fun for birthday parties, classroom celebrations, Easter candy, Trunk or Treat and Halloween treats. These sweet goodies come in assorted strawberry, watermelon and tropical punch flavors.
Razzles are a candy that once chewed, mix to transform into chewing gum. Originally introduced in 1966, with an advertising slogan and jingle of, "First it's a candy, then it's a gum. Little round Razzles are so much fun.
Cherry Ring Pop Ring Pop is a brand of fruit flavored lollipops manufactured by Topps. They are in the form of a wearable plastic ring with a large hard candy "jewel" and come in an assortment of flavors.
Many customers ask us about Kosher Candy and which candies adhere to Jewish dietary law, ... Kosher Candy List ... Skor Milk Chocolate Covered Crisp ...
Smarties are not distributed (except via import) in the United States, where the rights to the name belong to the Smarties Candy Company, which manufactures its own hard tablet sweet under the registered trademark name Smarties.
Sour Patch Kids (Known as Very Bad Kids in France, and as Maynards Sour Patch Kids in the UK) are a soft candy with a coating of invert sugar and sour sugar (a combination of citric acid, tartaric acid and sugar).
In Canada, Swedish Fish are distributed under Cadbury's Maynards brand. The fish are distributed in the U.S. by Mondelēz International, and are most commonly found in specialty candy stores in which they can be bought by the ounce.
The candy was created using the same basic recipe as the already popular Pixy Stix and Lik-M-Aid products, in response to parents' requests for a less-messy candy. In 1963, SweeTarts were introduced with the same flavors as the popular Pixy Stix: cherry, grape, lemon, lime, and orange.
Tootsie Pops are hard candy lollipops filled with chocolate-flavored chewy Tootsie Roll.They were invented in 1931 by Lukas R. "Luke" Weisgram, an employee of The Sweets Company of America.
Tootsie Roll is a chocolate-like, taffy-like candy that has been manufactured in the United States since 1907. The candy has qualities similar to both caramels and taffy without being exactly either confection, and does not melt. The manufacturer, Tootsie Roll Industries, is based in Chicago, Illinois.
Warheads is a brand of sour or tart candy manufactured by Impact Confections located in Janesville, Wisconsin. They are marketed as an 'extreme' candy with an intense sour flavor. They have proven to be very popular, especially with children; in 1999, Warheads were referred to as a "$40 million brand" .
ZotZ is a candy with a fizzy, sour center manufactured by G.B. Ambrosoli in Italy and distributed in the United States by Andre Prost, Inc. It is a hard candy that contains a sour powder comprising malic and tartaric acids mixed with sodium bicarbonate.