How Accommodating IOLs Work. During cataract surgery, a circular opening is cut in the anterior part of the lens capsule so the surgeon can remove the eye's natural lens that has become cloudy. This step is called an anterior capsulotomy.
Cataract Surgery: When glasses fail to make up for the vision loss caused by a cortical cataract, cataract surgery may be your best option to restore your sight. Cataract surgery is an outpatient procedure and involves the eye surgeon removing the cloudy lens and replacing it with an artificial lens.
Alternatively, a monofocal lens can be set for near vision, but glasses or contact lenses are then required to see objects clearly at a distance. A blending of these two approaches is also available for individuals undergoing cataract surgery or natural lens replacement in both eyes.
In March 2005 the ReStor apodized diffractive IOL from Alcon and the ReZoom multifocal refractive IOL from Advanced Medical Optics both received FDA approval for capsular bag implantation following cataract surgery. 1. ReStor Apodized Diffractive IOL. How does it work? The ReStor multifocal IOL uses three separate but complementary optical principles (refraction, diffraction and apodization) to achieve satisfactory near and far visual acuity.
Toric Lens Implants do not correct Presbyopia, and thus even with Toric Lens Implants to correct astigmatism after Cataract Surgery, most patients still require reading glasses or bifocals to be able to comfortably perform near vision tasks such as reading and intermediate vision tasks such as computer work.