Types of College Degrees


Most local community colleges and technical schools will offer an associate’s degree in accounting, and many institutions are now offering fully online accounting associate’s degrees. Some of these accounting associate’s can be quite affordable.

Actuarial Science
Actuarial Science

Colleges With Actuarial Programs+. There are many actuarial science programs to choose from at a variety of colleges and universities. While there are advantages to attending such programs, you should know that you don't have to major in actuarial science to become an actuary, nor is an advanced degree required.


People who searched for Advertising vs. Marketing Majors: What's the Difference? found the following resources, articles, links, and information helpful.

source: study.com
Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Agricultural and Biological Engineering

The Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering offers undergraduate curricula in Biological and Agricultural Engineering and Agricultural Systems Management. Even though our department is among the largest of its kind, students in Texas A&M's Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering enjoy small class size and frequent one-to-one contact with professors.

image: discover.com
Agricultural Business Management
Agricultural Business Management

Agricultural business majors learn how food gets from the field to the table. They examine the financing, marketing, and management of food production. By studying economic theory, they come to understand the many factors behind the buying and selling of food.

image: clemson.edu

Typically offered as a Bachelor of Science (BSc Agriculture), agriculture courses are highly interdisciplinary, requiring students to have a good grasp of both natural sciences and social sciences, and drawing on areas such as biology, environmental sciences, chemistry, economics and business and management.

Agriculture Economics
Agriculture Economics

Agricultural economics uses economics to analyze resource allocation, productivity, investment, and trends in the domestic and international agricultural sector. An Agricultural economics program includes instruction in economics and related subfields as well as applicable agricultural fields.

image: proz.com
Animal Bioscience
Animal Bioscience

Animal Science Colleges, Universities and Schools in the U.S. Animal science programs instruct students in a broad field that encompasses the biology and business of animals. Specializations exist for students interested in areas such as livestock management, avian science, aquaculture, equine science and companion animal biology.

source: study.com
Associate Degree
Associate Degree

In the US, associate’s degrees are available at various types of college, including community colleges, junior colleges and technical colleges, affiliated colleges of universities and university institutes. It typically takes two years full-time to complete an associate’s degree.

Bachelor's (or Baccalaureate) Degree
Bachelor's (or Baccalaureate) Degree

A bachelor's degree (from Middle Latin baccalaureus) or baccalaureate (from Modern Latin baccalaureatus) is an undergraduate academic degree awarded by colleges and universities upon completion of a course of study lasting three to seven years (depending on institution and academic discipline). In some institutions and educational systems, some bachelor's degrees can only be taken as graduate ...

Graduate Degree
Graduate Degree

A graduate or postgraduate degree is a master's or doctoral degree that follows the completion of a bachelor's degree. A graduate degree is necessary for many professions, such as a doctor, lawyer or professor. Postgraduate degrees are more focused than undergraduate degrees, with classes centered ...

source: reference.com
image: nogre.com
Joint Degrees
Joint Degrees

Colleges offer joint degree programs to students who wish to graduate with two college diplomas. Both college majors will be taken simultaneously, either at the same school or at an affiliated university. This way, you can finish both degrees in less time, compared to taking one degree program after the other.

Liberal Arts and Career Combination
Liberal Arts and Career Combination

Liberal arts degrees are appealing to employers: in a recent survey of CEOs in the US, 74% said they would recommend a liberal arts education to students. Employers recognize that liberal arts graduates have the necessary transferable skills to adapt to a changing workplace.

Professional Degree
Professional Degree

Prospective students searching for list of degrees found ... doctoral degrees and professional degrees. Time to degree varies based on ... Best College Degrees for ...

source: study.com
image: theatlas.com
Teacher Certification
Teacher Certification

Most teacher certification programs share a number of common elements. First, prospective teachers need to have a bachelor’s degree in education or, if your university or college does not offer a degree in education, you should have a regular academic degree supplemented with teacher education courses.

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