Therapy for Communication Issues. There are many therapeutic options available for individuals experiencing communication issues. Depending on one's specific situation, those in need of professional support may find benefit from family therapy, couples counseling, or individual therapy.
Milan therapists attempt to manipulate the family by exposing the games they play (such as behaviors and actions that create the problems) by introducing sneaky strategies to outdo the family's rituals and games.
Narrative therapy was developed by Michael White and David Epston. Narrative therapy is a method of therapy that separates the person from the problem and encourages people to rely on their own skill sets to minimize the problems that exist in their everyday lives.
Family psychoeducation is a method based on clinical findings for training families to work together with mental health professionals as part of an overall clinical treatment plan for their family members.
Family relationships are viewed as important for good mental health, regardless of whether all family members are participating in the therapy. It is an ideal counseling method for helping family members adjust to an immediate family member struggling with an addiction, medical issue or mental health diagnosis.
Strategic family therapy (SFT) combines two major therapeutic models - strategic therapy and family therapy - a combination of therapies that necessitate a carefully crafted plan to effectively manage or ameliorate a family’s particular problems or issues.
Structural Family Therapy Family therapy gives importance to the structure and organization of a family in order to address its psychological and emotional needs. There are a number of different methods of family therapy among which structural family therapy or SFT created by Salvador Minuchin is the most distinguished.
Family therapy, also referred to as systemic therapy, is an approach that works with families and those who are in close relationships to foster change. These changes are viewed in terms of the systems of interaction between each person in the family or relationship.
What is Transgenerational? The Transgenerational perspective maintains that generational conflict can remain unresolved through out generations. This view does not imply causation of conflict, only that unresolved issues can continue to affect families throughout generations.