Mild folliculitis might go away without any treatment. To help yourself heal and ease symptoms, you can: Clean the infected area: Wash twice a day with warm water and antibacterial soap.
Folliculitis is an inflammatory skin condition that looks like a rash or tiny red bumps. Home remedies for folliculitis include garlic, aloe vera, etc.
Spa pool folliculitis is also known as hot tub or jacuzzi folliculitis, or pseudomonas folliculitis. It is a skin condition that arises within hours to a few days after bathing in warm water, eg in a spa pool, jacuzzi or warm water swimming pool.
What is pseudofolliculitis barbae? Pseudofolliculitis barbae is a foreign-body inflammatory reaction surrounding ingrown facial hairs, which results from shaving. It can also occur on any body site where hair is shaved or plucked, including axilla, pubic area, and legs. It is also known as shaving rash or razor bumps. Folliculitis barbae and pseudofolliculitis barbae can co-exist.
Read more: 29 good healthy oatmeal recipes: simple recipes to learn. 15. Salt Water Compress: Many items from nature can help you cure skin disorders including folliculitis. Saltwater compress is also a way on how to treat folliculitis naturally at home effectively. Firstly, you need an absorbent cloth to soak in a warm liquid with salt.
Wash the area periodically with antibacterial soap. Most mild cases of folliculitis will eventually go away on their own. However, it's possible to speed this process by taking good care of the infected area.