Types of House Ants

Argentine Ants
Argentine Ants

Argentine Ants find Fire Ants to be fierce competitors, and so Argentine Ant populations are not as numerous in the southeastern parts of the United States. Since Fire Ants and other competitors are largely absent in California, this state has seen the Argentine Ant thrive in the temperate and damp coastal regions.

Carpenter ant Swarmer
Carpenter ant Swarmer

Pavement ants and carpenter ants often release as the sun is setting. Recognizing Swarmer Ants You can determine if is a winged insect is a swarmer ant or a termite in a few different ways, though they are similar in size.

Carpenter Ants
Carpenter Ants

The ants will choose more desirable bait (like spilled soda or cookie crumbs) over this natural bait, so learning how to get rid of ants naturally means keeping your place clean! Carpenter Ants You will find Carpenter ants around homes in wooded areas.

Dark Rover ant
Dark Rover ant

Rover Ant Facts. Typically Rover Ants are no longer than 1/12 to 1/16 of an inch. Rover Ants are dark brown to pale blonde in color. Outdoors they typically nest under mulch, heavy vegetation and rotting wood or potted plants; Enter homes through openings around pipes, cracks, windows and doors or by climbing over tree branches close to the home.

Fire ant
Fire ant

Fire ant colonies can migrate into homes and other structures in search of food, water, and nesting sites, especially during periods of...

Fire Ants
Fire Ants

Another method is to treat fire ant nests with an insecticide or fire ant bait. If the ants are nesting outside and coming into the house for food, the best way to control them is to treat the nest outside directly with a pesticide. The situation is more complicated if the ants are nesting inside the house.

Ghost Ants
Ghost Ants

The Ghost Ant is similar to the Odorous House Ant, but the Odorous House Ant is totally brown or black in color. Workers are 1/16 inch/1.5 mm in length. The legs, pedicel, gaster, and antennae are pale, almost translucent, in color, and the head and thorax are darker in color. For this reason, the Ghost Ant is also known in some areas as the Black-Headed Ant.

image: orkin.com
Odorous House Ants
Odorous House Ants

Like all ants, odorous house ants live in colonies. Each colony may contain two or more queens and over 100,000 workers. The queens of an odorous ant colony can produce thousands of workers and hundreds of reproductives.

source: orkin.com
Pavement Ants
Pavement Ants

Eliminating pavement ants is a completely feasible goal, and you ought not tolerate their living under the same roof with you and helping themselves to your foodstuffs. Don’t let these pests bug you: proof your home with the help of those easy, non-chemical methods.

source: pestkill.org
Pharaoh ant
Pharaoh ant

Queen pharaoh ants can live for four to 12 months, but male pharaoh ants die within three to five weeks of mating. Pharaoh ants begin new colonies by budding. This means that a small group of workers and a single queen migrate from their colony to start a new colony.

source: orkin.com