Types of Hyperthyroidism

Any Vitamins or Supplements That Contain Iodine
Any Vitamins or Supplements That Contain Iodine

The best L- Carnitine hyperthyroidism supplements are those that contain L-acetyl-carnitine. This element is effective in reversing hyperthyroidism related to Graves’ disease and multinodular goiter. Kelp. Lack of iodine can lead to growth and developmental abnormalities, mental retardation, and even brain damage.

source: thyromate.com
Brazil Nuts
Brazil Nuts

Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which the body secretes excessive amount of thyroid hormone. This problem is also called as overactive thyroid and it is a major cause of various problems like increased rate of metabolism, heart palpitations, insomnia, anxiety, changes in menstrual cycle, goiter, weight loss, weight gain, troubled appetite, and many more.

source: diyhealth.com

#186 in Chlorophyll discussions - 5 posts discuss Hyperthyroidism with Chlorophyll. Hyperthyroidism is #186 concern in Chlorophyll discussions.

source: treato.com
Cruciferous Vegetables
Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables are vegetables in the Brassicaceae family of plants. They are low in calories but high in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K and antioxidants. They also possess sulfur-containing compounds that have been associated with many health benefits.

source: draxe.com
Excessive Iodine Consumption
Excessive Iodine Consumption

Dietary sources high in iodine, such as kelp, if taken in extreme abundance, can introduce too much iodine into the body and create an iodine-induced hyperthyroidism. Iodine used for medical reasons, such as an antiseptic on a hospital dressing, as a contrast agent, or from the administration of solutions containing iodine can also lead to its development.

Graves' Disease
Graves' Disease

What Is Graves' Disease? First described by Sir Robert Graves in the early 19th century, Graves' disease is one of the most common of all thyroid problems. It is also the leading cause of hyperthyroidism, a condition in which the thyroid gland produces excessive hormones.

source: webmd.com
Herbal Supplements
Herbal Supplements

To ensure you remain healthy, take natural supplements for hyperthyroidism. You will restore the function of your thyroid gland and keep thyroid disorders at bay. Signs and Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism can speed up your body’s metabolism, causing significant changes such as unexplained weight loss.

source: thyromate.com
Iodized Salt
Iodized Salt

The iodine treatment prescribed by your doctor is not the same as increasing the amount of iodized salt, or sea salt, that you ingest. Radioactive iodine, when taken for more than six months, can help to slow thyroid activity considerably, reversing an overactive thyroid.


Maca has a high iodine content, which is a major component of thyroid hormones. In theory, maca has hormone balancing properties and also helps boost your iodine levels, which in turn gives your thyroid a boost, according to “The Complete Herbal Guide,” by Stacey Chillemi and Michael Chillemi.

No Gluten
No Gluten

628 patient posts about Gluten and its potential interaction with Hyperthyroidism based on the insights of millions of patients and trusted online health resources.

source: treato.com
No soy Protein Isolate
No soy Protein Isolate

Hypothyroidism Cures: Soy Protein Isolate And Hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism Cure, Discover natural therapies to support your thyroid.

Sea Vegetables
Sea Vegetables

The very best source for over 80 trace minerals and rich amounts of organic iodine is the one and only PotentSea® Sea Vegetables. In production for more than 13 years and with thousands of loyal and satisfied clients, PotentSea® Sea Vegetables has helped to fight the terrible effects of Hypothyroidism and low thyroid function.

source: potentsea.com
Thyroid Nodules That Overexpress Thyroid Hormone
Thyroid Nodules That Overexpress Thyroid Hormone

The thyroid (THY-royd) gland, a small butterfly-shaped gland in the front of your neck, makes thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones travel from the thyroid gland through the blood to all parts of the body, where they do their work. Why are thyroid hormones important? Thyroid hormones help all your organs work well.

source: hormone.org
Toxic Multinodular Goiter
Toxic Multinodular Goiter

A goiter simply means an enlarged thyroid. A goiter can either be a simple goiter where the whole thyroid is bigger than normal or a multinodular goiter where there are multiple nodules. Multinodular goiters can be either a toxic multinodular goiter (i.e. makes too much thyroid hormone and causes hyperthyroidism.

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