Black Mages, mages who practice offensive magic. Blue Mages, mages who copy enemy abilities. Red Mages, mages who are jacks-of-all-trades. Summoners, mages who conjure up sacred beasts and deities. Time Mages, mages who manipulate time and space. White Mages, mages who practice healing magic. Green Mages, mages who practice Green Magic, which enhances allies' abilities and weakens enemies.
Blue Mages usually learn Blue Magic by having enemies of another ally use it on them, but some games have other methods to learn their magic. Blue Mages benefit greatly from the ability to control enemies, reducing the chance involved in waiting for a monster to use their skill on the Blue Mage. Also Blue Mages vary in equipment and physical prowess.
Red Mages, mages who are jacks-of-all-trades. Summoners, mages who conjure up sacred beasts and deities. Time Mages, mages who manipulate time and space. White Mages, mages who practice healing magic. Green Mages, mages who practice Green Magic, which enhances allies' abilities and weakens enemies.