Ah, Dumbo Rats... A newer variety with an extra dose of cuteness! Dumbo rats are rumored to be the sweetest & most gentle of the fancy varieties. Can this be true? Amazingly, the answer is a resounding "Yes!" These sedate little sweeties are newer to the fancy rat scene. Dumbo rats have been bred purely as fancy pet rats instead of as snake food.
Rats are very social, therefore it is best to house a pair together. Hairless rats can be paired with other hairless or with a furred rat but pairs should be the same sex to prevent constant breeding.
Pet rats love the warmth and contact of their caretakers and are actually very cuddly! 4.Sadly, rats are not long lived. Most people don’t know this, but rats typically live only two to three years. Also, keep in mind many rats start to develop common medical problems after even just one year of life.
Rex rats are fairly common, and even if you live where there is no access to responsible breeders, they do show up in pet shops with great frequency. This is an adult female Rex showing good coat for a female.
Satin Rats. By Karen Robbins. The Satin Coat . Satin animals have a totally different hair structure giving them that shiny coat. They are a mutation, having a smaller diameter hair shaft and a more transparent hair shell. The sheen is due to the clarity of the glass-like hair shell and its ability to reflect light. Because of the greater transparency of the outer hair shell, it makes the ...
Rats are shown in seven Varieties at this time, namely: Standard, Rex, Tailless, Hairless, Satin, Dumbo, and Bristle Coat. Rats will be further grouped into six Sections as follows: Self, Any Other Color (AOC), Any Other Color Pattern (AOCP), Silvered, Marked, and Odd-eye.
Tailless rats are congenitally Tailless. They are born with no tail vertebrae and with modified sacral and/or lumbar vertebrae. This change in the rat’s structure allows the posterior of the pelvic girdle to sag, giving the Tailless its characteristic rounded rump and cobby appearance.
There are many types of rats, and many more colors of rats—far more colors than I can really cover here, so I will stick to some of the basics. Each type will be marked dominant or recessive. If the gene is dominant, it only needs one copy of the gene to show.