The word "charisma" is from the Greek, and means "divine power.". A leader with charisma exercises something like divine powers over his or her followers. This is power based upon the ability to charm, to persuade, to hypnotise people solely with the power of personality.
coercive power. Authority or power that is dependent on fear, suppression of free will, and/or use of punishment or threat, for its existence.
coercive power. Authority or power that is dependent on fear, suppression of free will, and/or use of punishment or threat, for its existence.
Popular Terms. Ability to influence other parties based on expertise and knowledge. Expert power in an organization is the ability to influence the behavior of others in the organization based solely on past experience and expertise in a specific area.
Expert power in an organization is the ability to influence the behavior of others in the organization based solely on past experience and expertise in a specific area.
Definition: Information Power is a form of power that is based on controlling the information needed by others in order to reach an important goal. IP is one of the bases of social power as described by French and Raven.
The 7 Types Of Power That Shape The Workplace. ... Informational Power is where a person possesses needed or wanted information. This is a short-term power that doesn ...
Power derived from a job, position, or status and held as belonging to the person in such a position. The boss held a lot of legitimate power over the rest of the firm and it made a lot of us nervous and afraid.
Legitimate power is perhaps the most important basis of authority in any formal organization, such as a government agency or a corporation. Legitimate power is derived by way of the manager's office and the organizational laws and rules that define the scope of the office's power.
Nonetheless, power can distort the power holder, especially when that power is absolute and unchecked, and it can lead him or her to justify acts which, seen in the clear light of history and unbiased observation, are clearly immoral.
Definition of referent power: Influence over others, acquired from being well liked or respected by them.
Referent power is the ability of a leader to effectively model behavior to her employees in a manner that provides a point of reference for employees' own behavior in work situations. This modeling can occur even without employee knowledge.
The Board of Bingo Connoisseurs is serious about its choke hold on reward power; don't you dare give chips out of sympathy! 18 people found this helpful He had a lot of reward power and he used it over the rest of us, in order to motivate us, or something like that.
Charismatic authority is one of the three types of legitimate authority identified by Max Weber. Weber's theory of legitimate authority can be traced back to the dramatic political changes Germany underwent during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.