The Australian pull-up is a great exercise to use in a superset with push-ups, since they work opposite muscle groups. You will get a great pump from doing this and it also allows you to keep your heart rate up.
Behind the neck pull ups aren't necessarily a bad exercise, but most fitness professionals and strength and conditioning coaches do NOT recommend them. This is simply because there are much better (and safer) alternatives available.
Chin ups put the biceps in a stronger line of pull, so most people will usually be stronger at chin ups than they are at pull ups. For example, if you can normally do 10 chin ups, you may only be able to do 6 pull ups.
The dead hang is a simple exercise that involves hanging from an overhead bar and is a great way to introduce you to bodyweight training and develop the fundamental grip strength. In fact, it is the first recommended progression exercise for the pull-up and will get you accustomed to hanging under the bar.
The kipping pull-up can be used to gain muscle by using it as an intensification technique added to the end of a set of strict pull-ups, like one would use forced reps or negatives at the end of a set.
Learn proper plyometric pull-up form with step by step plyometric pull-up instructions, plyometric pull-up tips, and the plyometric pull-up technique vi...
Everything You Need to Know to get Started with Pull-up Training: The Definitive Guide to Pull-up Training Success On this page, you'll learn what pull-ups and chin-ups are, why they're so good for you, how to do pull-ups with optimal technique, and how to increase your pull-up numbers as quickly and efficiently as possible.
A man is doing wide grip pull-ups. Photo Credit: Konstantin Kirillov/iStock/Getty Images The pull-up is a challenging compound exercise that forces you to lift your own body weight.