Types of red Birds

Arctic Redpoll​
Arctic Redpoll​

The Arctic redpoll (Acanthis hornemanni), known in North America as the hoary redpoll, is a bird species in the finch family Fringillidae. It breeds in tundra birch forest.

Black Rosy ​Finch​
Black Rosy ​Finch​

The Black Rosy-Finch nests in cliffs and crevices in alpine areas where few people go. This nearly black finch has a gray cap and pink highlights on the wings and belly. It descends to slightly lower elevations in the winter when snow cover is deep, foraging at the edges of melting snow, along roadsides, or at feeders.

image: snipview.com
Brown-​Capped Rosy Finch​
Brown-​Capped Rosy Finch​

Like the other rosy-finches, the Brown-capped Rosy-Finch is a bird of the high mountains, breeding above timberline. It has the smallest range of the three American species, being found primarily in Colorado.

image: snipview.com
Cassin's Finch​
Cassin's Finch​

Slightly less well known than its lookalikes (House Finch and Purple Finch), the Cassin’s Finch is the characteristic rosy-tinged finch of the mountains of western North America. Small flocks twitter and forage in the tall evergreen forests and in groves of quaking aspen.

Common ​Chaffinch​
Common ​Chaffinch​

The common chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs), usually known simply as the chaffinch, is a common and widespread small passerine bird in the finch family. The male is brightly coloured with a blue-grey cap and rust-red underparts.

Common ​Redpoll​
Common ​Redpoll​

Common Redpolls are small songbirds with small heads and small, pointed, seed-eating bills. The tail is short with a small notch at the tip.

Common ​Rosefinch​
Common ​Rosefinch​

The Common Rosefinch is the most widespread finch found in Europe, where it spread from Asia. Its breeding grounds are located in Sweden, Siberia, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Himalaya, Tibet, China and Japan. In winter months, they migrate to southern Iran, southeastern China, India, Burma and Indochina.

Elegant ​Trogon​
Elegant ​Trogon​

Elegant Trogons are medium-sized stocky, potbellied birds. They are larger than a robin, with a large, round head, a thick neck, large eyes, and a short, stout bill. Trogons perch upright with their long square-tipped tails pointing straight down.

image: audubon.org
Eurasian ​Bullfinch​
Eurasian ​Bullfinch​

The Eurasian bullfinch, common bullfinch or bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) is a small passerine bird in the finch family, Fringillidae. In Anglophone Europe it is known simply as bullfinch, as it is the original bird to bear the name bullfinch.

image: larsfoto.se
European ​Goldfinch​
European ​Goldfinch​

The European goldfinch or goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis), is a small passerine bird in the finch family that is native to Europe, North Africa and western Asia. It has been introduced to other areas including Australia, New Zealand and Uruguay.

Flame-​Colored Tanager​
Flame-​Colored Tanager​

The Flame-colored Tanager is evaluated as Least Concern at this time. This bird is native to much of Central America as well as portions of North America. The Flame-colored Tanager is a terrestrial bird. This bird species has a range of about 400,000 square kilometers.

Gray-Crowned ​Rosy Finch​
Gray-Crowned ​Rosy Finch​

A songbird of extreme environments, the Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch is found in open ground at the top of mountains from Alaska to California and out on the Aleutian and Pribilof islands.

image: tringa.org
Hepatic ​Tanager​
Hepatic ​Tanager​

The Hepatic Tanager is a bird of the pine-oak forests of the southwestern mountains.

image: pbase.com
House Finch​
House Finch​

The House Finch is a recent introduction from western into eastern North America (and Hawaii), but it has received a warmer reception than other arrivals like the European Starling and House Sparrow.

Northern ​Cardinal​
Northern ​Cardinal​

The northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) is a North American bird in the genus Cardinalis; it is also known colloquially as the redbird, common cardinal or just cardinal (which was its name prior to 1985).

Painted ​Bunting​
Painted ​Bunting​

Stocky bird with a finchlike conical bill. Females/immatures are yellow-green overall, with a pale eyering. Oftentimes appears dull overall, but in general appears greener than similar species.

Pine ​Grosbeak​
Pine ​Grosbeak​

The Pine Grosbeak is a large and plump, heavy-chested finch with a round head. Its bill is thick and conical, but much stubbier than in other finch species. The tail is long and slightly notched.

Purple Finch​
Purple Finch​

Purple Finch A few more notes: Color is helpful, but it varies among individuals, so use caution. Females and young males of both species are simply brown and white, and can be especially tricky.

source: audubon.org
image: blog.nwf.org

Dapper in looks and cheerful in song, the Pyrrhuloxia is a tough-as-nails songbird of baking hot deserts in the American Southwest and northern Mexico. They’re closely related to Northern Cardinals, but they are a crisp gray and red, with a longer, elegant crest and a stubby, parrotlike yellow bill.

Red Crossbill​
Red Crossbill​

Juvenile with heavy dark streaks on whitish chest. Back gray-brown tinged with pale green or brown. Rump yellowish with dark streaks. Thin buffy wingbars. Immature like adult female, but some males may be reddish or mixed red and yellow.

Red-Crested ​Cardinal​
Red-Crested ​Cardinal​

The red-crested cardinal (Paroaria coronata) is a songbird with a prominent red head and crest. This species belongs in the family of the tanagers . Notwithstanding its similar name, this bird is not closely related to the true cardinal family (Cardinalidae).

Red-Faced ​Warbler​
Red-Faced ​Warbler​

The red-faced warbler (Cardellina rubrifrons) is a species of New World warbler. Mature red-faced warblers are small birds, 14 cm (5 1 ⁄ 2 in) long. They are light gray on top with a white rump and a white underside.

image: audubon.org
Rose-​Breasted Grosbeak​
Rose-​Breasted Grosbeak​

Large, stocky bird with very large, thick bill. Note bold face pattern with strong whitish stripe over eye, and warm buffy wash to breast. This video has no audio.

Scarlet ​Tanager​
Scarlet ​Tanager​

Scarlet Tanagers are medium-sized songbirds with fairly stocky proportions. They have thick, rounded bills suitable both for catching insects and eating fruit. The head is fairly large and the tail is somewhat short and broad.

Summer ​Tanager​
Summer ​Tanager​

The only completely red bird in North America, the strawberry-colored male Summer Tanager is an eye-catching sight against the green leaves of the forest canopy. The mustard-yellow female is harder to spot, though both sexes have a very distinctive chuckling call note.

Two-Barred ​Crossbill​
Two-Barred ​Crossbill​

The two-barred crossbill (Loxia leucoptera), known as the white-winged crossbill in North America, is a small passerine bird in the finch family Fringillidae. It has two subspecies, white-winged crossbill Loxia leucoptera leucoptera in North America, and two-barred crossbill Loxia leucoptera bifasciata in NE Europe and N Asia.

Vermilion ​Flycatcher​
Vermilion ​Flycatcher​

A spectacular and distinctive flycatcher, the bright red Vermilion Flycatcher inhabits riparian areas and scrub in the southwestern United States and southward. It perches conspicuously, making periodic flights to nab insect prey.